Hi everyone! im also a newbie here.

by dhand 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    Welcome to JDW dhand.

  • LockedChaos


    Fairly new here myself
    Interesting place
    Feel free to be you

    So much to learn
    Got plenty of time

    Ask questions
    You'll get answers............
    a lot of them

    Just pick what fits you best
    That's what rational thinking does
    Allows you broaden your outlook

    Ask no man to be a slave to you............
    nor should you be a slave to anyone else

    Do what you do because you want to...........
    Not because someone told you that you must

  • lavendar

    Hi dhand, and welcome! So happy for you that you've found out the REAL TRUTH about "the truth"!

    Seeing all these new ones on the board gives me HOPE for our son, who's so indoctrinated and trapped in this cult.


  • owenfieldreams

    Welcome to the board.

  • dawg

    Welcome dude, good to be free though isn't it?

  • jaguarbass

    Hello Dhand welcome to the board.

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    Welcome!..You are so not alone.

    xxx SC

  • Hope4Others

    welcome blue sparkle

    to Jwd dhand,


  • donny
    I think the major reason many of us left is the "Severe" Lack of Love. At some point all the Talk (Brainwashing) about "How They Have Love Among Themselves" Rings False.

    I would say that also had a great effect on me. After about 2 years in organization, when all of the "newness" had worn off, I was pained to see how the "love" was not what had been painted in the publications. I remember a 1982 brochure called "Enjoy Life on Earth Forever", and the main character always had this hige smile on his face in every scene. Then there is a pic of him sitting in a congregation and everyone has that same stupid smile on their faces. I remember looking around at the folks in the congregation I was in during a public talk and I did not see one smile, but I did see a lot of frustration and confusion.

  • str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
    str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up

    Welcome D Hand! Congratulations on your realisation! The Borg may have an emotional hold, but you will find life on the other side much easier - without all the rubbish that goes along with being a JW.

    Welcome welcome welcome

    Much Love


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