100% They all did and continue to do so. They are reading and studying WT publications.
What percentage of Bethelites view porn?
by inkling 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Things have changed! I didn't even have a TV if I remember. :-))
They had me so afraid of masturbation I didn't do it once in the entire 8 years of being a JW, including Bethel. .
total mind control.
Open mind
Interesting choice of words.
Open mind
I think the percentage would be very closely tied to the perceived danger of getting caught.
If viewing it could be done with impunity, probably more than 85%, using JK666's SWAG methodology.
Somewhere between 0% and 100% is my educated guess. I would also guess that the site's that are visited are monitored with suspicious ones flagged for review.
The Oracle
I'm coming in with a SWAG of 65%.
As Eugene Rosam always said, "who can deny the beauty of a beautiful woman". So true.
The Oracle
Tyrone van leyen
Of course they wouldn't monitor the slow speed connection. There wouldn't be anyone left in Bethel if they did. That sure sucks that an org. as rich as the Jw's, even use dial up. Amazing hippocracy!
It must be nice for the GB. No ones gonna monitor them, and I'm sure they have high speed for themselves too. I don't beleive for one second, a bunch of guys who never got married, spend their evenings getting high, reading the Revelation book.
Just like the un scandal. As they might put it , This is a great abomination to Jehovah! Ahem, Ummmm, we were never a part of that, you know!
I got an idea. Why don't you GB lunk heads, spend your evenings, reading the chapter you wrote in the Youth Book on masturbation. You made us do it...... Don't get the pages sticky now!
drew sagan
and yet, you took the time read and reply to a post about just that... hmm
Lol! You caught us all ;)
mind my own
Probably every last one of them as long as they had the opportunity!
Randy I bet you really went to town when you decided either it was you or your prostrate! All over the ceiling I guess?