This afternoon I went out to lunch with a few witnesses who were talking and talking about what
a GREAT district assembly program there is going to be this year.
They have not gone yet, but people from their old congregation which is up in Northern Wisconsin
have already been to their DA.
There is supposedly a "BIG" announcement that they were unable to share with my lunch buddies, and
we were all really curious as to what this could be?
I feigned curiosity during the conversation, but I have the feeling that it is something really silly.
Did the WTS make a new date as to when Armageddon is supposed to occur?
They made it seem to be a really earth-shaking part.
Does anyone know what the BIG announcement is, or what it could allude to ?
Assembly news
by lancelink 13 Replies latest jw experiences
Heard nothing about a big announcement, apart from the usual 2 new publications ...
There have been many threads devoted to the DC program.
The "Big Announcement"..???.......Perhaps it was an announcement..Announcing the coming of the Big Announcement..Which has`nt been announced yet..
Thank you for the replies. I have followed many of the DA comments made here, but the urgency and focus of my two associates made me wonder if there was something that I may have missed.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I think the biggest announcement repeated over... and over... and over, was to make your checks payable to "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" and not to "Watch Tower".
Other than that, ours was another snorefest.
B the X
Lance..It`s unlikely you missed anything..The Big Announcement,has always been about nothing very important..
Good to know. I still have to go....
I heard that it was to Urgently prepare your families for the Great Tribulation the end is near.Imagine that,I've been hearing that fairy Tale for years!
But I'm not really in the down-low with that info. but i did hear from my apostate parents who still talk to a few J Ho family members...
One big announcement I heard about is that donation checks are now to be written to The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses instead of "Watch Tower".
There's still no food, still no saving seats, and still no Armageddon.
Two new books . . . what a surprise! -
In WI I know Tony Shaloub's brother speaks sometimes, maybe that is their 'big news' he is speaking again! whoopee! Monk's brother..oooh..... My jw made a big deal about that and it was the talk of the dc I guess. Little ol'WI has a real celebrity! hmmm, thought they are not supposed to be so impressed with humans and especially ones tied to Hollywood.