Pls help me find free downloadable full Watch Tower Library (all publications) in text Format (editable) (txt, doc, html etc) for 1917 - 1949 years or for any subperiod. Thank you very much for helping. PS Sorry for my terrible english, it isnt my native lang.
Help pls download WT Library
by zakheyold 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
I went on eBay and was able to buy a disk of all the old watchtowers from the 1879 to 1945. You should check there. If you need any of them I can email them to you.
someone should set up a server with these things on it.
i would find it very enlightening. -
someone should set up a server with these things on it.
i would find it very enlightening.There was, but of course copyright laws got in the way, and the site's hosting company refused to host for them any longer.
what if someone set up a torrent?
thats nearly impossible to stop. -
Mr. Majestic
Try this link. If you can’t get it or if it takes too long, PM me your email address and I will send all the files to you….
PMing you.....
(kudos goes to Brinjen !!!)
Oh yes , there is some great stuff to get via torrents. Got my elders book that way.
Here's another great torrent, which has loads of old Russell and Rutherford publications etc.,
many old and rare books including Divine Purpose, Paradise Lost, Photo Drama of
Creation--tons of neat stuff:
Should help fill out your theocratic library, especially because none of those books are on the CD.