How Alexander Hislop's crackpot pseudo-history influenced JW's

by Terry 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Terry

    The founder of (what is today called) Jehovah's Witnesses was a self-styled "Pastor" Charles Taze Russell.

    His family was Scottish Presbyterian. His mother must have inculcated all the fearsome lore of Hell into her son at a very early age. He often chalked on sidewalks warnings of Hellfire for passers by as a child.

    Somewhere along the line he tangled with an atheist in a debate and was left torn to shreds by the beating he took. His beliefs were bested by the logic of his opponent. (A noted orator, Robert Ingersoll, lectured with convincing logic on agnosticism and free thought raising the consciousness of many disillusioned religious people in those days. Many were persuaded.)

    Russell suffered from the god-sized hole in his heart and wandered about listening in on any lecture he might find which served to counter-persuade him out of his deep funk and loss of faith.

    About this time there was a vast unrest among a new generation of Americans who had lost much in the Civil War. God had been fighting for both sides, it seemed, and the chaos and slaughter did nothing to bolster his reputation among the pious who had most suffered.

    One tide swelled against religious thought and brought a crashing wave of disbelief, atheism and cynicism. A countervailing tide of crackpot fundamentalism sought to bring crushing arguments against them with apologetics of every persuasion.

    This was a time of considerable flim-flam, quackery and hatreds for one group and another orphaned by war and disconnected from mainstream society by ill-will and outright malevolence.

    Sidebar: Puritans had settled America with a core belief they would establish a shining city on a hill of perfect Christians whose

    piety and perfectionism would entice all peoples and nations to bring about world conversion. Over the decades this

    core produced social programs to lift people up and bring them into the state of grace and ethics which all the world

    would have to notice. The Civil War brought severe disillusionment this would ever transpire.

    Perfectionists turned into cynics. Mothers who lost sons and husbands on the battlefield were bitter and disillusioned. The fervid religious core of American believers were worn out praying for a future reward. People wanted God to intervene in the here and now. Thus was born a new, hungry FRINGE producing Adventism, cultism and a mass hysteria fueled by deep seated animosity of one group for another.

    America had hot-spots of insidious conspiracy theories, anti-Catholicism, racism and imaginative End of the World scenarios. These were promoted for money, of course. Lectures would be held in tents and storefronts and the unheard of sum of $1 could be charged and obtained easily from curious folks aiming to acquire ammunition for their own prejudiced views.

    After hearing the son of a Presbyterian minister and current Adventist, Jonas Wendall give a stirring lecture on Bible Chronology and the End of the World, Russell felt a renewed enthusiasm.

    Russell joined the throng. It was a popular pursuit in post Civil War society to chase after wild and unusual ideas that contained contrived theories and abstract doctrines pertaining to End Times. Eagerness and longing pushed good sense and rational skepticism aside.

    Russell joined forces with other former Millerites to publish the most exciting ideas pertaining to the coming advent of Jesus Christ.

    (William Miller was a baptist farmer who had predicted Jesus coming and was proved wrong again and again. Miller's followers could not admit to being wrong and searched out many explanations for why they were really right.)

    Russell was a dedicated reader of fringe ideas, a purveyor of charts, dispensation theories. Charles Russell had been privately tutored as a boy developing an articulate skill in writing and speaking. He found himself attracted to lunatic fringe people and zealous self-promoters. The self-styled "Pastor" met a radical feminist with fervent ideas whom he married and began a work of publishing various viewpoints which might promote Adventist ideas. They shared extremist views and a vivid writing style in pushing these beliefs forward.

    At this time, (post Civil War) a pseudo-historian with extreme hatred for Catholicism named Alexander Hislop published a pamphlet (later enlarged into a book THE TWO BABYLONS) and promoted it by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    This book would play a large and influential role in establishing a methodology for Jehovah's Witnesses in doing their own crackpot pseudo-historical analyses.

    Russell's own writing took on a tone of scholarship, reasoning and extrapolation of history, scripture and conclusion so similar to Hislop's that it borders on compulsive.

    Russell's successor, J.F.Rutherford, carried on using this methodology by relating scripture, phoney history and imagination as a new Theology.

    What was this metholody and how did Jehovah's Witnesses employ it. An article will follow.

    (Read this interesting article as background for what follows:)
  • Gopher

    This is fascinating history about the origins of the Watchtower Society's teachings.

    I anxiously await the next installment.

  • Terry

    Alexander Hislop was rabidly anti-Catholic. He made Martin Luther pale in comparison. Taking his cue from Luther's own references to the Catholic Church as "Babylon the Great", Hislop set about writing a scathing pamphlet comparing ancient Babylon, pagan worship and devilish influences with the practices and core beliefs of the Church.

    Hislop used four combined processes to accomplish his screed and make it compelling "proof" which might convince those predisposed toward his theories.

    1.Hislop cherry picked minutia. He strained seeming connections where there weren't any and drew conclusions through false analogies. He drew on similarities and ignored differences.

    2.Hislop partially quoted historical sources, misquoted and often misrepresented his connections by simply distorting the facts. He drew parallels of practices into a false conclusion of cause and effect influences.

    3.Hislop invented out of whole cloth significances which weren't called for and used them to build even greater strained arguments. He used partial information and not entire contexts.

    4.Hislop painted with a broad brush while amassing a mountain of irrelevancies. He employed a scholarly tone of academic neutrality while employing ad hominems to poison the reader's conclusions. He failed to emphasize when his speculations were passed off as fact based.


    While seeking to condemn the paganism of Roman Catholicism, Hislop produced his own myths. By so doing, he theorized that Nimrod, Adonis, Apollo, Attes, Baal-zebub, Bacchus, Cupid, Dagon, Hercules, Januis, Linus, Lucifer, Mars, Merodach, Mithra, Moloch, Narcissus, Oannes, Odin, Orion, Osiris, Pluto, Saturn, Teitan, Typhon, Vulcan, Wodan, and Zoroaster were all one and the same. By mixing myths, Hislop supposed that Semiramis was the wife of Nimrod and was the same as Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Aurora, Bellona, Ceres, Diana, Easter, Irene, Iris, Juno, Mylitta, Proserpine, Rhea, Venus, and Vesta.While seeking to condemn the paganism of Roman Catholicism, Hislop produced his own myths. By so doing, he theorized that Nimrod, Adonis, Apollo, Attes, Baal-zebub, Bacchus, Cupid, Dagon, Hercules, Januis, Linus, Lucifer, Mars, Merodach, Mithra, Moloch, Narcissus, Oannes, Odin, Orion, Osiris, Pluto, Saturn, Teitan, Typhon, Vulcan, Wodan, and Zoroaster were all one and the same. By mixing myths, Hislop supposed that Semiramis was the wife of Nimrod and was the same as Aphrodite, Artemis, Astarte, Aurora, Bellona, Ceres, Diana, Easter, Irene, Iris, Juno, Mylitta, Proserpine, Rhea, Venus, and Vesta.
    If finding a pagan parallel provides proof of paganism, the Lord Himself would be pagan. The woman called Mystery Babylon had a cup in her hand; the Lord has a cup in His hand (Ps. 75:8). Pagan kings sat on thrones and wore crowns; the Lord sits on a throne and wears a crown (Rev. 1:4; 14:14). Pagans worshiped the sun; the Lord is the "Sun of righteousness" (Mal. 4:2). Pagan gods were likened to stars; the Lord is called "the bright and Morning star" (Rev. 22:16). Pagan gods had temples dedicated to them; the Lord has a temple (Rev. 7:15). Pagans built a high tower in Babylon; the Lord is a high tower (2 Sam. 22:3). Pagans worshiped idolatrous pillars; the Lord appeared as a pillar of fire (Exod. 13: 2122). Pagan gods were pictured with wings; the Lord is pictured with wings (Ps. 91:4).
    Because Hislop wrote in the mid-1800s, the books he refers to or quotes are now quite old...books such as Layards Nineveh and Its Remains, Kittos Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature, Wilkinsons Ancient Egyptians, as well as old editions of Pausanias, Pliny, Tacitus, Herodotus, and many more. When I checked his footnote references, in numerous cases I discovered they do not support his claims.
    Hislop taught that Tammuz (whom he says was Nimrod) was born on December 25, and this is the origin of the date on which Christmas is observed. Yet his supposed proof for this is taken out of context. Having taught that Isis and her infant son Horus were the Egyptian version of Semiramis and her son Tammuz, he cites a reference that the son of Isis was born about the time of the winter solstice. When we actually look up the reference he gives for this (Wilkin­sons Ancient Egyptians, vol. 4, 405), the son of Isis who was born "about the time of the winter solstice" was not Horus, her older son, but Harpocrates. The reference also explains this was a premature birth, causing him to be lame, and that the Egyptians celebrated the feast of his mothers delivery in spring. Taken in context, this has nothing to do with a December celebration or with Christmas as it is known today.
    In another appeal to Wilkinson, Hislop says that a Lent of 40 days was observed in Egypt. But when we look up the reference, Wilkinson says Egyptian fasts "lasted from seven to forty-two days, and sometimes even a longer period: during which time they abstained entirely from animal food, from herbs and vegetables, and above all from the indulgence of the passions" (Wilkinson, Ancient Egyptians, vol. 1, 278). With as much credibility, we could say they fasted 7 days, 10 days, 12 days, or 42 days. Hislops claim appears to have validity only because he used partial information.

    Both Pastor Russell and Judge Rutherford employed these self-same methods regularly and without much conscience not only promoting opinion as "god's words, not ours" but blending wild speculations with historical citations to "prove" the unprovable.

    Pastor Russell and his wife promoted Pyramidology and a Divine Plan of the Ages chart to weld a theology of End Times "logic" which was nothing more or less than sillyness and flim-flam passed off as Truth.

    Rutherford promoted quack beliefs on health with the same disregard for Truth as he shovelled manure into a heap predicting the return of "ancient worthies" while planning a mansion in California for them (i.e. himself) to live in.

    Fred Franz regularly employed Hislop's reasoning style in defending against Christendom's views on Romans 13:1 for the purpose of making Jehovah's Witnesses the only true Christians in not obeying Governments as Superior Authorities appointed by God. Later, the Society reversed this "Truth" by aligning themselves with Christendom after all!

    Scriptures, historians, experts, authorities and bible scholars could be made to say only what the Watchtower wanted them to say and nothing more!

    Defending the New World Translation's idiosyncratic interpretation of the anarthrous Greek in John 1:1, the Society (mis) quoted authorites and scholars as saying the very opposite of these scholar's correct views!

    Hislop set the tone and the Watchtower has ever followed as pseudo-historians, chronologists of elastic dates and circular reasoners who can make wrong right and day night to suit their own purposes.

    More to follow.

  • Terry

    The Watchtower Society taught nothing about the fall of Babylon the Great in1919. Yet, they claimed to do so! They pinned their own identity as "watchmen" and "anointed" on this non-announcement!

    When was this obvious misrepresentation revealed as a lie?

    In 1963, when the book Babylon the Great Has Fallen! God's Kingdom Rules! was published.

    1963, not 1919, for the first time the Society (Fred Franz) began teaching that "Babylon the Great" fell in a spiritual sense in 1919. Therefore if one can say anything about this so-called "watchman class" and 1919 and "Babylon the Great", it would have to be that in 1963 the "watchman" announced that Babylon the Great fell in 1919. But since the above-quoted Watchtower gives the nearly certain impression that the "watchman" announced this in 1919, we can see that the WTS writer has told a baldfaced lie.

    Clearly the same methodology as Alexander Hislop might use proving something non-historical actually happened.

    January 1, 2000 Watchtower:

    Paragraph 10 states:

    In the latter part of the 19th century, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., a group of sincere Bible students was organized and became the nucleus of God's modern-day witness class. These Christians drew attention to the Scriptural evidence that the conclusion of the present world system was at hand. True to Bible prophecy, this world's "conclusion" began in 1914 and was marked by the outbreak of the first world war.

    Paragraphs 11-13 state:

    In June 1918, Satan frantically tried to wipe out those Bible students ... He also sought to destroy their legal corporation, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Responsible officers of the Society were imprisoned ... But in 1919, these officers were released, enabling them to continue their ministry. Later, they were fully exonerated. What did this watchman see? Again, Jehovah's watchman, his witness class, announced: "She has fallen! Babylon has fallen, and all the graven images of her gods he [Jehovah] has broken to the earth!" ... This time, following World War I, it is Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, that is toppled from its perch of authority... In 1919, Babylon the Great could not prevent the Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known, from escaping from their inactive state and embarking on a worldwide witnessing campaign that still continues... That signaled a fall for Babylon the Great, just as the release of Israel in the sixth century B.C.E. signaled a fall for ancient Babylon.

  • yknot


    Thank you so much for posting.....if it weren't for your post I would have never looked at JWD....

    The stuff above is wow...never knew.... thanks for the lesson!

  • Terry
    "The very League of Nations and its successor, the United Nations, represent an international conspiracy against God's kingdom, which was born in the heavens in 1914 at the end of the Gentile Times. This international organization for peace and security by human means is a deceptive counterfeit for God's kingdom by his Lamb, which Jehovah's witnesses have been preaching to all the nations since the end World War I. Thus the whole scarlet-colored "wild beast" is against the heavenly Messianic kingdom."(Babylon the Great Has Fallen-God's Kingdom Rules p. 596)

    The Watchtower Society revealed itself as hypocritical by JOINING the United Nations as an NGO.

    "Jehovah's Christian witnesses immediately recognized that the scarlet-colored wild beast had now ascended out of the abyss. But they did not worship it any more than they had joined Babylon the Great and the worldly nations in idolizing the League of nations, the "beast" in its original form."(ibid p.585)

    "Now that it has ascended out of the abyss and been out since 1945, the Bible shows that what next it will do is to go off into destruction"(ibid p. 594)

    "Lovers of eternal life in God's new order of things will not join in this modern idolatry "(ibid p. 590)

    Their affilation as an NGO (Non Government Agency) meant they were committed to the UN and it's charter. One of the criteria for membership is: "Have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins, and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting the cooperation of the media.

  • Satanus

    Way to go, putting it all together, like that.


  • Terry
    Way to go, putting it all together, like that.


    I reverse engineered what the Proclaimer's book does. They disconnect all the connections and place the pieces of their history out of order and context. This defuses causes and effects. It makes the relevent irrelevent.

    Putting the pieces back in order shines a bright light on the origins of the causes and the responsibility of the effects.

    Watchtower leaders are geniuses at removing themselves from CAUSE while manipulating the EFFECT they wanted.

  • Satanus

    Yes, the wt narrative is totally compartmentalized. Easy to get sucked into, like quicksand, or a maze.


  • Atlantis


    Beautifully done! Really enjoyed the info!

    (If I could only write as good as Terry I would be a happy man!)

    Cheers! Atlantis!-

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