when i heard the term "present truth", the acceptance of which results in all "past truths" becoming recognized as the lies they always were.
what was the one sound bite or comment that helped you see the light?
by siy 41 Replies latest jw friends
Troggle: I remember them doing that to unbaptised ones. They were called "Unappoved Associates". My best friend became one. Funny my mom still let me hang with him.
The one thing that got me thinking was when I was at a wedding in the early nineties and the elder giving the talk said the wedding rings had pagan origins but that the society doesn't look at them that way. I thought "WTF". They are alway hammering on "worldly" people for saying the samething about Halloween and Christmas. Five years later I was out and never went back.
there have been many injustices done to my mom: "get baptized...." mom says "but, i cannot do all the things you ask of me", they say "don't worry, just do what you can...." well, all lies.
anyway, they say what a big brotherhood tjey have, and they help all in need. short story, I've been flooded (like $50-75k damage).... only help: 1) FEMA, 2) flood insurance, 3) red cross, 4) national guard, 5) babilon the great handing out sandwiches!
all of which are on their "bad bad bad"
Turkey Sandwich
Well, even though I've always "followed party lines", as it were, even as a kid I never really felt like I had faith. When someone would express their love for Jehovah, or otherwise talk about how much they enjoyed this or that WTS publication or event, it always rang hollow to me and I did not understand it. I wondered at what point I would start enjoying meetings and conventions like everyone else said they did.
Several years ago, during a book study with one of the publications heavy on prophesy (maybe the first Daniel book), I was having a hard time believing this stuff and I thought it really sounded contrived, and I had a revelation of my own. I thought to myself - " Wow...this is a really effective system of control they've got." -
White Dove
OK, help me out here.
I looked it up and can't quite get it straight in my head.
What does contrived mean when used in connection with literature?
Hecklerboy: They also thought excommunication had pagan origins but that did'nt stop them to start disfellowshipping and totally shunning...which is more harsh than excommunication.
I was df'd for immorality and when I started to do some research on the WTS I think the 1914 date and how Russell used pyramidology and astrology really made my jaw drop.
How you are viewed by others? Well, let's look at Jesus. Most people in his day (Jewish leaders, Romans, some rich and arrogant Jews, etc.) hated him to death. In fact, that's exactly how much they hated him. Condemning an innocent man to death to serve their own agendas. SSoOOOO - If Jesus was despised, hit, mocked and so forth, are we to conclude that Jehovah felt the same contempt for his only son? Don't think so...............
What about an elder who is having an affair for many months. Since the congregation doesn't know, they treat him with respect, obedience, and reverence. But since God knows what he's doing, I don't think he is as happy with the elder as the elder's wife, kids, and the congregation members are. Now that's two examples of the utter stupidity of that comment.
"God is love"? I can't think of another religious group that is more cruel to its members than the WT is. That's really shameful seeing how much they brag about loving each other and loving people enough to go door to door to save them. Of course, this "love" ends when the Bible study doesn't learn to "obey" the WT literature soon enough.
Losch: College hurts you like a bullet in the head?? Jesus, where do they find these lunatics. I think if we analyze what Losch said about college and all the other gems he's come out with, I'd venture a guess that Losch actually WAS shot in the head at some point. He may have survived enough to walk around and find his room at Bethel when it's time for bed, but with comments like that about college, it's obvious that he's jealous or is misinformed about how much education matters in today's job market. He also says we can't tell you what to do nor are we willing to do so. Like hell. The WT has an opinion on EVERYTHING in a JW's life. They "ARE" masters of everyone's faith, including the anointed from around the world whose writings and other material submitted to Bethel is basically ignored.
His talk said that many have quit college when they learned the truth, even if they only had a little bit left, maybe a month or two. He's actually proud of those students, and probably also proud of himself as is the GB in general. I hope I don't offend anyone here, and sometimes people can't finish college all the time, by in most instances, I would say that if a person quit college with 6 weeks left and wasted all that time and money, and lost the opportunity to support himself, then that student is an idiot. And that makes the GB members complete morons for ruining the lives of thousands of families. If they had to pay all their bills, they'd sing a different tune. It's easy to bully people when all the money you need is yours. Didn't the WT used to own a yacht?? In any case, the college dropout might very well be asking "do you want fries with that" for a very long time. And to think that this dropout will have a crappy job for 50 years maybe (with tons of overtime) that will end up taking more time than if he had just done the 6 weeks left in college. Look how hard his parents worked to put him thru college. God, it just staggers the mind.
Yourmamma: Good point. I hope God and Jesus practice in Heaven how to act on Earth and what to tell the GB. Trust the GB??? Even teenagers know better. But God doesn't? Sure, sure. Why shouldn't we trust them. They've never let us down, have they??
Good health to all of you.
His heart beats faster when he gets into bed with his new wife? I should hope so. Hey, Mr. CO, it's called SEX. Ever hear of it? No? Why am I not surprised.
Tread: Yes, some survive a bullet to the head. And Losch said some survive college. I have news for Losch. Most college graduates are happier and more stable than thos who don't attend college. I am not saying you guys have a problem if you didn't go to college. I mean the ones he's talking about. And now, since they have no education and work for peanuts, will they SURVIVE recessions, not finding work, etc.???
Oh, wait. I'm worrying for no reason. I'll just ask my HEART what I should do: go to college, join the national guard, enlist in the Marines, or rob a bank. Should I expect some good advice from the heart? How do I tell? I have high blood pressure. If it goes up, it's "YES", and if it stays normal, it's "NO". That's fair, I would think. And if the heart can't decide or if it's a tie because there are FOUR chambers in the heart and 2 could have said yes and the other two said no. I think the kidneys are involved in our lives much more than just for digestive reasons. I only hope THEY don't have a tie, since there are two kidneys. This is getting too much, I'll stop. Flipping a coin is probably more likely to show me God's true feelings on any issue. That is, as long as I put it in the money box at the hall.
I like some of the GB's idiotic definitions and rules. They are always good for a laugh.
WOW...just one? There were many things that made me doubt. The most outstanding one had to be the prophecy of that the "End" would be here BEFORE the generation that saw(and UNDERSTOOD..which meant they had to be old enough..maybe 12-14 or so?) 1914 died. Here we are in 2008. Ummmm....I think that one got smashed pretty completely.
OH and hearing from the stand that we don't need college or retirements, but having my elder father tell me a retirement is a GOOD thing to have and how I'd be thankful for it. Hmmmmmm.....
There's just too many to list!
Hey I just made my first post! Does this make me EVIL? HA!
In the spring of 1988 we went to a circuit assembly at the hall in Puyallup, WA. I was already more than a bit dissatified with a lot of what I was hearing (mainly just the same crap over and over again was boring). I didn't know it but my wife was feeling the same way.
Our two older children were starting their teenage years, both were doing well in school and I wanted to keep it that way. So there's this huge long talk about the evils of education, how its unnecessary, and how the end is coming in day now. That and some other drivel about the nearness of the end put me over the edge.