Questions on Assembly to help wife critically think

by insearchoftruth 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nbernat

    LMAO. The drama, wow, don't even get me started.

  • insearchoftruth

    If I were to go with her on one day, what would be my best day to be able to start to 'drip' some knowledge on her........

  • WTWizard

    I would start with the experiences. Are they all along the lines of someone doing more in Jehovah's work, always at great sacrifice, and being better off or feeling blessed in doing so? Do they sound fake? Is someone telling something you know is a blatant lie? Chances are, you are going to find these problems in those experiences.

    Not even one of the experiences will tell the whole truth. What about ongoing hardships? About the fact that pioneering is not itself a blessing? They sound like you are being ordered to do more for Jehovah, and then the Almighty Scumbag acts like He is doing you the favor.

  • seek2find

    Insearchof ask: What day? Sunday would be best, the drama and the last talk will make it possible for you to ask some serious questions. Like: "With all the good accounts we have in the Bible, why is there a need to add to it a fictional account? And in regard to the last talk you might ask: Do you really believe the Organization deserves our Loyalty? Where do we find that concept in the Bible? seek2find

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks, good idea on attending the last day and some great thought provoking questions......

  • insearchoftruth

    Well the assembly saga continues......yesterday morning (I think) my wife met with the pesky sister hwo she had a 'bible' study with in the past, well it seems that due to some impending surgery, this sister has passed my wife off to another sister for her study. The first sister was a bit young for my wife's liking, she wanted someone with more 'life experience', so she has been passed to someone else.....hopefully a hardline jw. I think I had mentioned on another thread that my wife had talked to the former study sister about reading the 'bible', something my wife has not done in the the great witness way of studying the bible, she was handed our third copy of the bible teach book, the english version of reasoning from the scriptures (I have her first copy here) and she gave my wife her copy of Insight in the Scriptures. I asked my wife if she was going to just read the 'bible' on its own, the answer I recieved (not at all to my surprise) was 'we need help to understand the bible'. I tried to talk to her about the Bible being God's inspired word and the help materials being of man, but I think the sister may have prepared her a bit for this, cause I started getting the bit about the anointed blah, blah, blah.......(and by the way, isn't a lot of the writing now being done by the non-anointed?)

    OK, now back to the assembly. After meeting with the pesky sister, she had called me and asked if I would take Friday off of work and attend the assembly with her....I could think of many better ways to spend my time, but did not instantly say no, or yes, but I would think about it. My wife has been a MK consultant for some time now, well as the evening went on she set an appointment for Friday afternoon at 2:00 pm (meaning she will need to leave around 12:00 or 12:30) and then another appointment for early Saturday afternoon about an hour from home, (going to attempt to make as early in the afternoon as I can) as well as hoping to set another appointment for Sunday afternoon.

    I am not trying to be overly pleased with the developments, because I think a lot of the bs they discuss she may see through, since she has started to develop a bit of an ability to think on her own!!! Needless to say...quite confusing.

  • jgnat

    Yeah, that drama is a doozy. It's intended for a Witness audience with a whole bunch of sub-text that only a Witness audience would grasp. The "apostate" elder, "Scolios" is portrayed as evil for associating with the secular Romans, concentrating on a good job and career, dismissing the field service work as "over", and encouraging, rather, to help the poor. The "good" brothers are horrified at his skewed values.

    I don't know how the Witnesses get away with this, especially considering martyrs like Stephen, whose ministry was feeding the poor.

    What the Witnesses will notice, ad nauseum, is that they will get in trouble if they put too much emphasis on pursuing their career, especially if it interferes with field service.

  • bonnzo

    the baptism talk was "baptize them in the name of the....holy spirit", or sometthing close to that. then ask why the term "holy spirit" is replaced by "gods spirit directed organization" in the 2 baptismal questions.

  • BabaYaga

    Hi, I just looked for the thread with the District Convention Drama YouTube link but I couldn't find it, so I posted a new one. You can watch the entire 2008 drama here:

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