I was reading RedPill2006's post and I noticed that some mentioned that get-togethers or parties have been largely discouraged. I stopped attending meetings in 2003/2004 and I remember my congregation still had get-togethers, although they were few and far between. They were not completely discouraged though, has this changed? I remember as a teenager going to big parties every weekend. I partied more than my worldly friends at school. Can anyone shed some light on this?
Congregation Get-Togethers: In or Out?
by TreadClimberMaster 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'd like to know this too. The local hall near me holds parties and such.
studier -
This trend has been ongoing. I noticed the same thing--after 1993, nothing. And there were articles in the Kingdumb Misery that basically cut out parties and gatherings, except those run directly by the Washtowel itself.
It wouldn't surprise me if all they allow is boasting session attendance, field circus activity, and study of the Washtowel publications within a very few years.
i was in from 1997-2006 and there were increasingly more and more get togethers. I have never had so much fun.
You really should go back and continue living it up.
They started really discouraging large gatherings in the late 1980s. There was a DC part that dealt with it, then it was in a WT study article. The idea was to take a hint from how the WT and Awake! illustrations showed gatherings - 'cause this would show the rank and file what Jehovah himself wanted us to do. Lo and behold - you'd be hard pressed to see a dozen people at any JW gathering as illustrated in the literature. I have a feeling that that is still true. And usually they are all shown studying WTS literature or something, maybe singing Kingdom Melodies. Get real!
The rational, direct from Jehovah himself, I'm sure, is that any gathering larger than 8-12 is "hard for the friends to control," and as we all know, the WTS is all about controlling the friends. You know in GB thought, if the average JW isn't closely monitored, it'll only be seconds before the young ones are out in the parking lot doing the nasty in the back seat of somebody's car, and married brother handsome elder will be making out with married sister hottie on the back porch in the dark.
We used to have all congregation parties all the time from the 60s to the 80s - roller skating parties, congregation get-togethers, softball games, costume parties, basketball, dances. I used to organize congregation talent shows complete with food that went on for hours. All that has been strongly discouraged for the past 20 years.
S4 -
We used to have get-togethers quite often. Talent shows, pool parties, etc. Large gatherings. Maybe my congregation didn't get the memo lol.
White Dove
I remember the rag pix articles about how cong. get togethers were supposed to look like.
Must have:
Brother playing a guitar.
Sisters must wear dresses with nylons. (shiit myself laughing just now)
Brothers must wear khaki pants and buttondown shirts with only the top button undone.
All must be seated around a coffee table and no dancing.
All must be singing along.
There must be no less than about three songbooks (khall songbooks) open and spread out on the coffe table for all to see.
All must be smiling.
Bowl of popcorn and pitcher of water on coffee table.
On occasion that pitcher could also have lemonade or ice tea in it.
Of course, there were never alcoholic drinks at any JW gathering - especially the smaller ones!!
S4 -
"Of course, there were never alcoholic drinks at any JW gathering - especially the smaller ones!!'
i remember that drinking alcohol was mostly practiced at gatherings held at elders homes.
Sterne and Hartwig families as I remember were really into the drinking thing, and the last i heard all their
children are raging alcoholics