just wanted to post to say hi and introduce myself. Im a female whose favorite family member had fought against jws all her life, then died a few years ago. her children are now being raised as jws against her will. so my whole family is in this huge war and this person wont talk to this one, blah blah blah. so i decided to slip into the dark side and see what i could do. right now im having bible studies soon will start meetings. im hoping to be able to help the kids out of the witness club eventually, and maybe other family members in the long run. but first i figure its good to try and make them trust me. meanwhile in reality i think their ideas are bs. just this last bible study i had i was told that all other religions are falsehoods, they are the only true religion. ok whatever! my opinion is that there is truth in all religions. i practice a little of each. I have to do some yoga and meditate after each little brainwashing session to clear my mind and center myself. trying to learn as much as i can while not over exposing myself and becoming a circus freak. oh my name isnt my real name but she is my favorite celtic goddess. so thats all for now. hope to talk more soon.
hello from new person
by morrigan 16 Replies latest jw friends
hey morrigan - right on !
well you should fit in fine here - i wish i was as centred in 1982 as you seem to be ...
Welcome Morrigan,
Sounds noble. Just don’t go so far as baptism. This is more a legal contract to obey the organization than a covenant with God. They can be harsh when one does not obey. According to Jesus this commitment is like a yoke that is kindly and a load that is light. Mat 12. You probably already know the load of a JW is not so kindly nor light.Good to have you here Morrigan. Hope you have success with your efforts.
Hi Morrigan,
Welcome to the board. If you can stomach their bs enough to attend the meetings, then you are a pretty strong person. Just don't let them into your head too far. They will mess you up.
Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!
HEY morrigan,Welome to the board!Investigate before you get too involed with the jws.They won`t like it,but it will save you a lot of grief in the long run...OUTLAW
edward gentry
morrigan, welcome.
It concerns me that you will start attending meetings. If you subject yourself to any line of reasoning long enough, deep enough, you will start to believe it.
Also, when you attend meetings, people will fawn over you and pay you lots of attention. Dont start thinking they are "loving" people.
They are loving, but no more loving than people at any other church or group. Be carefull... if you must do it. -
Had Enough
Hello morrigan:
I add my "welcome to the board" and also add my cautions to you too!
Please continue to clear your mind after their brainwashing sessions and also if you start to attend meetings and experience the "love-bombings" to come your way. Be wary of their sincerity and continue with your scepticism. You'll need to do it on a continual basis.
Continue to come here to air your concerns, ask your questions, join in the discussions and also just to read. Here you'll find a real wealth of information that is well-presented and scrutinized by all. Whatever is presented here that needs correcting will be corrected real quick, so you'll be able to come to the reasonable and informed conclusions on your own.
You are to be congratulated for the task you are taking on...that's a very loving thing to do. Just remember to keep coming here...you made need to vent once in awhile too!!!
Had Enough
"Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."...Margaret Mead -
Don't feel alone. My youngest son is sitting right next to me, but if I speak to him about anything anti WT, his mother blows her top and makes it difficult for me. What do I do? My oldest son is wise and says: 'Patience dad"...... Think before you leap. As far as I can understand your story is that you're infiltrating in behalf of the kids? I hope your plan works. keep informing. Thanks.
“Few are they that look through their own eyes and feel with their own heart” A Einstein
Welcome........to the board morrigan! Hope it goes well with you.