Those are Aussie dollars.
Helps a few percent.
I'm freaking out.....
by whitman 17 Replies latest jw friends
Octarine Prince
New light for you
So sorry to hear about that... Dental stuff is my biggest fear.. i must get over it someday.. havn't been to the dentist since i was a wee kid.. too terrified... I'm amazed at your strength to deal with this! you're more woman than I....
Thinking of you, hope you get compensated and make good decisions
Do they do implants in colours like contact lenses? Could I have purple teeth? That would be soooo worth having them all ripped out.
I am sure getting your teeth ripped out is a scary prospect. But I think if I was in your shoes, I'd be seriously considering it. Sorry this is happening to you, I'm sure its terrifying to say the least. Let us know what happens.
As I get older, my teeth are not as strong. I've had a couple crack on me. My dentist is also suggesting I might be clenching my jaw at night.
JG, unfortunately, the cracks probably are from teeth clenching. my hygenist recommended a $25 night guard that can be bought at the pharmacy. it will help minimize damage of clenching and grinding.
I don't have anything great to say: just I'm sorry about what you're going through-hang in there!
I think that part of the problem may lie with the doctor who prescribed the script and the pharmacist who filled it.
To a layperson, 'dry mouth' sounds like a condition that you can just learn to live with. In reality, as you have now discovered, it can cause horrendous problems with your teeth. The physician and the pharmacist should have advised of the consequences of the Dry Mouth and prescribed product to counter the effects. There are special mouth rinses, gum, and the like to help offset the dry mouth.
You may want to google the med you were prescribed and also look it up in the PDR for specific contra-indications and consider talking to an attorney if the repair work is causing significant financial hardship.