No, i believe we make ourselves happy.
Do you believe that a woman has to be married to be happy?
by MsMcDucket 58 Replies latest social relationships
Mr. Majestic
No, i believe we make ourselves happy.
Yeah....I used to do a lot of that when I was your age..........
I don't think you have to be married to be happy.
But it's pretty cool being married to your best friend.
Barbie Doll
Tteadnh 20-------
I believe women need to be married to ME to be happy!!! Too bad there is only one of me!!!
Barbie Doll
My first marriage was bad. My second Marriage is good, and I am Happy. He is my best Friend.
No, i believe we make ourselves happy.
Yeah....I used to do a lot of that when I was your age..........
Now how did i know someone would take an innocent comment like that the wrong way.
I'm single, never been married, and the older I get, the more I don't have the desire to be married. I sometimes get a little lonely, but then I look around at the pickings and get over the slump real quick. I think the key is to be happy with self first. If you can't do that, then you'll be miserable and then you'll make the other person miserable. But, to each his own. I have a child, so I'm still looking for a convent that will accept me as a nun with a kid in tow!!!
I think a person can be as happy as he makes his mind up to be.
Its just as easy to see the good in life as it is to see the bad.
I guess some ladies need that kind of security but I would doubt if they are truly happy. I think most of them settle for less then they are worth because guy called husband is a stable, predictable sun of a gun, while the man of their dreams is way too wild to be tamed any time soon. Though late at night, in deep sleep they still long after that elusive ghost that just won't let them go quietly into the night.
I am not married, but I have a partner in life - Gary
I don't think we need a legal document...
We are both pagan so we both acknowledge the spiritual connection and are committed to the relationship.
In answer to the question - NO a woman definately does NOT need to be married (or in a relationship) to be happy.