Rick Fearon calls the Watchtower concerning the tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams in this two part YouTube video.
YOUTUBE VIDEO: Phonecall to the Watchtower regarding the Williams sisters
by kool aid man06 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It says that the link is no longer available. Whassup?
drew sagan
that guy is embarrassing
Vita Splash
I got it on the first try. Maybe it was busy when you tried?
works here
Vita Splash
I have seen other video's fronm this guy and it just turns me off.
kool aid man06
The second video is where the call to Watchtower takes place. Notice the "brother" does not want to use his name, as usual.
Nathan Natas
Well done, Rick! Keep it up!
"Here's how you can tell who the real pioneers are: they're the ones with the arrows in their backs."
Meeting Junkie No More
Congrats to you for shining a spotlight on something I'm sure countless Witnesses 'in good standing' secretly wonder about.
The Watchtower thinks that by their dismissal or avoidance of any comments regarding this issue, the all-too-apparent contradiction between their 'supposed tenets' and their 'wealthier adherents' actual lifestyles will just be a non-issue. How wrong they are! I am sure this is leading more and more r&f to awaken to the glaring hypocrisy that is the WTBTS. By their failure to weigh in on the issue at all, they are just digging their own grave, slowly but surely.
I love the fact that you aren't afraid to use your own name, but they continue to hide behind the Tower...