New tract for American Indians

by purplesofa 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    just stop with the bullshit man, its not making any sense.

    My thoughts exactly. You are really projecting a lot of your own anger to other people. I've been sitting in here laughing and amused through this entire thread. I won't be losing any sleep tonight. I'm going to go spoon with Hillary and Outlaw.


  • Solace1998

    funny, mate...

    i really dont have any anger.

    I dont sit around brooding, wondering about the next time i can pounce on someone for an innocent comment on an internet board...

    im totally fine... but if you want to interpret this as anger, then feel free :D


    Cognizant dissedent..Yes,it`s true..And..I agree,it does make the thread funnier!!..LOL!!......Normally I don`t give out private information..But..Solace is just unbelievable.....Strutting like he`s just soooooo "Down",with the "First Nations People".....I guarantee,that boy would get his ass handed to him.........................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • bobld

    What.s with the BIG green head in the bush on page three.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    Solace.."Working the reservations was successful"..???.."Working the Rez"..???....I guess you think your a "Hip White Boy!"..LOL!!.....Now why do I doubt you have ever stepped foot,on a First Nations Reservation?..LOL!!..............Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW"

    so, he mocks me, labels me as some sort of witness vanilla ice, and doubts me.

    thats more than disagreeing, man.

    That seemed like gentle teasing to me. Then you just blew up! And what do you have against Vanilla Ice anyway? You say that like it's a bad thing? Projecting again, perhaps?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Having a Native Paternal grandmother, I can tell you that the word Indian doesn't offend me. This brochure does, with its pictures of Indians and horses and eagles: how patronizing.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Native spiritual beliefs are mostly universalist, how on earth does the governing body think that what they have to offer is superior?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    You just love trying to hold peoples pasts against them dont you? You dont accept that people can change can you?

    LOL! I assume you're addressing me? or perhaps one of the voices in your head? I was a JW for 40 years. It would be a little silly of me to hold that against you now, wouldn't it?


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    What about the cool outfits FHN? Don't you at least like the outfits?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes, loovvve the outfits. I like how they trie to squeeze a pony, buckskins or native prints into every pic.

    Oh yes and the canoes. We need to do a conoe count.

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