Do active JW's on this forum still practice shunning?

by Thechickennest 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Thechickennest

    Just wondering if active JW's on this forum or JW's just watching this board still put into practice in one way or another, shunning?

    If so why? What is the motivation do so? Is it to save face or relationships? Is for a protection? Is it done out of fear? Is it heartfelt? Does it feel like the right thing to do? Do you think the WT is wrong in this policy?

    Just curious.

  • freethinker2009

    its shameful but if you have not left the organization (as i have not) you have no choice but to Shun. I have a very good friend that has been DF'ed and i would love to talk to him as i no longer believe this organization, but i suppose the saying blood is thicker than water comes to mind. I love my family we have been through alot together and i can't give them up, if i speak to him and someoone finds out, i will end up with the same treatment as him. But the good news is i am in the process of leaving i have collected alot of information together explaining why i think this organization is not of God and giving evidence for it, i want them to KNOW exactly why i have left and know that it was for a good reason. I am just not sure when i will do it.


  • jakmarx

    Yes, in some case's. Let me explain.

    By shun, i mean no longer socalise. Genrally I would still say hello, polite conversation and make eye contact if this was in a open enviroment where i could without consequences.

    I have grown up with a few people who's behaviour has been very immoral. Basically anyones who's lied to me personally or implicated me in some trouble of sorts. I would completly ignore anyone implicated with any pedo behavor. We had "brother" visit from a bail hostel. He had to be escorted by the elders. he was a convicted pedo & i also know another brother who was convicted for looking child pornography, his excuse is that they where 16 so its as bad. Still would avoid this person.

    Also i would "shun" if the where consequences. Basically when DF'd or DA'd person is seen talking to a witness, this can get the witness in a lot of trouble & get the DF'd person in more trouble. Especially if they want to be reinstated. Which lots do. Still sometimes eye contact and smile can say more than a thousand words.

    I have uncles that have left "the truth", both lead "morally different" lives. they where baptised, so i should shun them in theory. I dont.

  • Blasty

    yeah, I'd agree with avoiding a pedohpile and stuff like that, but since the elders cover most of that up, you never know who your talking to.

    In regards to 16 year old pics, well yeah, that's not cool, but legal in the UK... Elizabeth Hurley was naked in a movie at 16. I'm not supporting it, but I am saying you should avoid manipulation by goverment as well as JW.

  • undercover

    I'm not an active JW, so maybe I don't qualify to answer...but I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents worth anyway...

    I no longer accept the shunning policy as set out by the Watchtower Society, meaning that I no long shun people just because someone at a Kingdom Hall announced them as no longer a JW. That is forced shunning. People in the JW faith shun others just because they're told to, not because of a legitimate reason. I've reconnected with some DFd friends from years past after realizing the abusdity of such a practice. I'll decide for myself who I want to associate with, thank you very much.

    Technically speaking, however, all people practice a form of shunning, one way or another. We may know someone who has hurt us and we avoid them. We may know someone who is in trouble with the law or uses drugs and we know that if we hang aournd them too much, we're gonna get caught up in their shit, so we avoid them. These are conscience decisions that we make on our own, knowing the facts and the persons involved.

  • Blasty

    well said undercover

  • StAnn
    its shameful but if you have not left the organization (as i have not) you have no choice but to Shun.

    FT~First, what you just said goes against your name, "Free Thinker."

    Second, you do have a choice. What you are doing re: shunning is the choice you've made to protect yourself within the org. I understand what you're saying, but you are choosing to treat someone like a leper to protect yourself. Period. It is your choice to do what you feel you must, but I would at least ask that you not lie to yourself and us and say you have "no choice."

    If you get DF'd and people start shunning you, remember that you took this stance.

    Sometimes it's more important to do the right thing than to do the expedient thing.


  • BFD

    Thank you, StAnn.

    The dub-snub is my biggest complaint against this evil cult. How dare any seat warmer try to justify this behaviour! It is selfish, plain and simple!

    You were able to put my thoughts out there in a civil manner. Something I could not do so I chose not to post at all until now.

    Thank you



    I`m not talking to BFD!..His crew are beating the Straight Thread!..LOL!!.....................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • BFD

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