The one about the Almighty Sovereign of the Universe having special dealings with a group of socially awkward WASPs in Brooklyn.
What JW teaching did you find hardest to defend??
by karter 76 Replies latest jw experiences
I also found the blood issue impossible to defend. All of the references in the bible are referring to blood from a deceased creature and not using it as food. A blood transfusion involves blood from a living human. Interestingly, between 1967 and 1980 when organ transplants were outlawed, the Society declared blood transfusions are not the eating of blood, rather they are a transplant since blood is viewed as an "organ". When they reversed the organ transplant ban in 1980, a transfusion once again became a meal.
Marry only in the lord - I have personal experience with this one. While we were dating, I tried to convince my husband that we were unevenly yoked. When he told me he didn't worship Baal, I did not have a rebuttal.
Oh, well don't get me started on this misinterpretation!
Anyone who reads and understands English would plainly see that 1 Corinthians 7:39 was specifically addressed to widows!
If not, then why would the Apostle Paul write at 1 Corinthians 7:25 .... "Now about virgins: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy."
Rocketman, be praised!!! He told the truth about physical abuse. And don't get me started on their stance about rape...
"The one about the Almighty Sovereign of the Universe having special dealings with a group of socially awkward WASPs in Brooklyn." Yeah, what's up with that! It took over 100 years for a person of color to "ascend" to the GB, c'mon!!!
Shunning has been mentioned here and it made me think that a person given the boot from the cong would feel so bad when a former sis/bro crossed the road to avoid, turned around and walked out of a room/shop wherever, no funeral attendance...and generally considered as dead.
The loving thing to do would be to strive to get the person 'back into the fold' so to speak just as Jesus would.
Witchettygrub -
wha happened?
I remember in the bookstudy we were studying the Revelation book. In explaning Revelation 14:3 the next three paragraphs just sounded like gobbly gook: 10 How can the 144,000 sing “before” the elders, since the 24 elders are the 144,000 in their glorious heavenly position? Early in the Lord’s day, those “dead in union with Christ” were resurrected as spirit creatures. Thus, faithful anointed Christians who have conquered are now in heaven, symbolically fulfilling functions comparable to those of 24 divisions of priestly elders. They are included in the vision of Jehovah’s heavenly organization. (1 Thessalonians 4:15, 16; 1 Chronicles 24:1-18; Revelation 4:4; 6:11) The remnant of the 144,000 still on earth are therefore singing the new song before, or in the sight of, their resurrected brothers in heaven. 11 At this point we might also ask: Why is it that these anointed overcomers are referred to as the symbolic 24 elders as well as the 144,000? It is because Revelation views this one group from two different standpoints. The 24 elders are always shown in their ultimate position around Jehovah’s throne, installed as kings and priests in the heavens. They symbolize the entire group of 144,000 in their heavenly position, although at present a small remnant of these is still on earth. (Revelation 4:4, 10; 5:5-14; 7:11-13; 11:16-18) Revelation chapter 7, however, focuses on the 144,000 as brought forth from humankind, and it stresses Jehovah’s grand purpose to seal the complete number of individual spiritual Israelites and to grant salvation to an unnumbered great crowd. Revelation chapter 14 provides a picture confirming that the complete Kingdom class of 144,000 individual overcomers will be assembled with the Lamb on Mount Zion. The qualifications to be met in order to be numbered with the 144,000 are also made known, as we shall now see.
russell and rutherford the false prophet and the drunk who lived in luxury while others sold there homes etc to preach and the whole everyone else will die save them God is love or maybe they dont get that and the fact that NO ONE can question the gov body if you do you are out NO WAY MAN NO WAY!!!!!!! we all have to answerand can be questioned yea even them so happy i see this now
Ha! I thought I was alone in thinking it ridiculous that THE BIBLE would have prophesied AN ASSEMBLY. Gah!
It's not something I ever had to defend, except to myself and I couldn't:
When reading in the publications about "One doctor", "One scientist", "One Expert", whatever, without any sources. I always got the idea that the Governing Body sat in a room for their weekly discussion, and this week's writer would speak up and say, "we need a scientist to provide a quote to support this article," and another brother would raise his hand and say, "I consider myself a scientist! What do you need me to say?"
I mean, without sources, what else am I supposed to think?