Convicted molester sentenced to 45 years to life(JW)

by purplesofa 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • purplesofa

    thanks Billy

  • little witch
    little witch

    Thanks for the post Purplesofa. I googled the name Andrew Sinay, and found this amoungst other things. It is his statement in court that sprang out to me. Sounds like victim blaming to me, as he basically says in court that the child was "uncovered" and that is the moment that she was touched! What do you guys think? LW Here is the link http://prince.ort/msg/105/267242

  • purplesofa

    little witch

    tried the site you posted.

    can't get anything/


  • nelly136
  • purplesofa

    I find it odd that the elder could not recollect details of the confession.

    I have been before two judicial committees and I felt like they (meaning all the elders)

    wrote a book about what was said.

    I assume this guy has been DF.


  • insearchoftruth

    Well selective memory can be quite powerful....and I sure would hope he was df.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Private information told to JW elders should not at any time hold up to clergy/parishonier privacy, due to the fact that if you go to the elder and confess your sins, even though they might try to cover it up they might still DF you or some other method of punishment, and what do the elders do? they announce to the congergation that Brother so and so is stepping down as an elder, or has lost some title or rights in the hall. There is no expectation of privacy, not when it's reported to the higher ups in NY and announced to the congergation. As for say a catholic, if I were to go to a priest and confess something like I robbed a bank, the priest would plead with me to surrender to the police, and any pennance that is given to me is just between the priest and myself, he will not go on stage and say I am bad association for all bank tellers!

  • dawg

    These Elders are just as disgusting as the molester... sick.. protecting Jehovah's Organization, I guess.

    I hope they all rot in hell. Good that the courts see the difference between the confessions of one man to one clergy, and three Elders in a JC, who send their finding to the home office. There is no confidentiality in meetings such as these.

    Now we can stand back and watch as thousands more come forward ans sue these bastards... I live for this $hi...

  • purplesofa

    Someone made a very interesting youtube on this. Wonder if it was wasanelder?

    and another

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