Does Love "never fail" or "never end"? 1 Cor. 13:8

by compound complex 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • *summer*

    M. de la Pallice was a French nobleman and military officer. Born in 1470, he died in 1525 in the battle of Pavia under Francois 1st. He served under three kings and had the title of Marechal de France. D espite his military victories, he is known more for his good words based on pleonasms or the obvious.

    Ex...un grand géant...un feu brûlant...monter en haut...descendre en get the gist:-)


  • jaguarbass

    I have found in life it is more beneficial to keep intelligence over emotion.

    Love tends to be an emotion.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, *summer*, changeling and jag. Your thoughts are helpful.

    I was wondering about the original Greek and why the different English words. Better dig out my Interlinear.



  • Leolaia

    I think the nuance of piptein in v. 18 is a little closer to "fail", as it directly follows hupomenei in v. 17. The sense is that love has the fortitude and strength to withstand and bear (hupomenein) all things; hence it would remain standing through everything and never fall down (piptein). However this clause leads directly to the next three that contrast love with the spiritual gifts (kharismata) that do "cease" and "vanish away" (katargeisthai), i.e. they have only a transitory character that can be overcome. So indeed the sense may be BOTH, piptein in v. 17a looks back to the strength that love has to bear all things (v. 17b) and on account of its durability, it will not wither away and become void like the charismatic gifts (v. 17b).

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Leolaia:

    Thank you so much for this helpful explanation. Your time and effort are much appreciated.

    My thanks, too, to all my friends who have helped me understand this better. I will pass on this information to my friend who made the original inquiry.



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