How does the WTBTS explain that ??? The great crowd in their dogma ,have no spirit yet claim to be christian ... any comments ? In short it says that those that do not have christs spirit do not belong to him ....
romans 8:9
by heathen 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Romans 8:9-
However, YOU are in harmony, not with the flesh, but with the spirit, if God’s spirit truly dwells in YOU. But if anyone does not have Christ’s spirit, this one does not belong to him
Watchtower 2001-
When saddening things happen to us, we could begin to feel abandoned, even imagining that God’s love for us has waned. Since we are all subject to such happenings, we do well to consider carefully the very consoling words of the apostle Paul recorded in Romans chapter 8. Those words were addressed to spirit-anointed Christians. Yet, in principle they also apply to those of the other sheep, who have been declared righteous as God’s friends, as was Abraham in pre-Christian times.—Romans 4:20-22; James 2:21-23.
thats their b.s explanation, it applies to us "in principle"
sounds about the way I figure they would say .I thought they said something at the Revelation study that jesus has already submitted and jehovah is involved with the great crowd prospects . This is some really peculiar dogma . Looks like in the new testament the first century christians were in direct contact with jesus since he does play mediator . Jehovah was more or less waiting in the wings letting jesus take control . hmmmmm interesting , anybody with anything else on this and thanks for the info burningbridges.
darth frosty
The key to witness beliefs is that they believe the bible as a whole but especially the NT was written to the annointed.
Based on this dogma all of christ words of faith, brotherhood and spirit only apply to the annointed. Thats why only an annointed can know what its like to get the calling. I used to all ways ask those who claimed to be annointed how they knew? I always got the same lame answer 'its just a strong feeling I had.'
This is the way that they circumvent the blessings and freedom of christ, while still enslaving the great crowd to the OT rules and regulations.
Darth Frosty great point...!!!
The scipture as 3 additonal references..
5:25)25 If we are living by spirit, let us go on walking orderly also by spirit.(1
Corinthians3:16)16 Do YOU not know that YOU people are God’s temple, and that the spirit of God dwells in YOU?(Galatians
4:6)6 Now because YOU are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of his Son into our hearts and it cries out: "Abba, Father!. . .***
shown by a body of persons. As an individual may show a certain spirit, so too a group or body of people may manifest a certain spirit, a dominant mental inclination. (Ga 6:18; 1Th 5:23) The Christian congregation was to be united in spirit, reflecting the spirit of their Head, Christ Jesus.—2Co 11:4; Php 1:27; compare 2Co 12:18; Php 2:19-21.Paul refers to "the spirit of the world" in contrast with God’s spirit. (1Co 2:12) Under the control of God’s Adversary (1Jo 5:19), the world shows a spirit of catering to the desires of the fallen flesh, of selfishness, bringing enmity toward God. (Eph 2:1-3; Jas 4:5) Like unfaithful Israel, the world’s unclean motivation promotes fornication, either physical or spiritual, with idolatry.—Ho 4:12, 13; 5:4; Zec 13:2; compare 2Co 7:1.
I know they consider the great crowd as foreign proselytes to the christian covenant but I also believe you have to pray for Gods spirit , if you don't ask you won't receive , as jesus said , "anything you ask in my name will be given you". John 14:13 The holy spirit was also called the helper or spirit of truth in vrs. 17 Actually tonight they did encourage all to pray at any given opportunity but did not suggest for the holy spirit . They never pray for it at the congregations prayer yet always give thanks for the truth and FDS instructions ........ That's the way I'm looking at it for now ........