I was late for my clinical at the hospital the AM so I was going too quickly with my hands full of books and stethoscopes and assorted bullshit and slipped and fell on the f$%king stairs at the hospital, concrete and steel steps! Why can't they make steps out of pillows and jello?... Worse I was on the last step so instead of just sliding I went out and down... The bottom step hit me right across the top of my back. (mid scapula if your interested!) Oh my GOD I'm crippled! I'm just now able to get my hands up enough to type.
Everyone was telling me to go to the ER but I've got no insurance and as a broke student I DO NOT need a 3000 dollar medical bill... I could move everything so I guess I'll live! Just made me realize how old I'm getting. I had to leave my motorcycle at the hospital and have my wife come get me, pathetic! A few years ago I could have grabbed the rail or at least not felt like I was going to die...