How many of you believe in God, but not the Bible as His word?

by chappy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • chappy

    If you do believe in God but not that the Bible is his word what are your core beliefs and how did you arrive at them? Even if you don't believe in the Bible as the word of God, do you find it useful/helpful in your faith? Do you still adhere to any particular religion? chappy

  • IP_SEC

    What do you mean by god? Such a big word for only 3 letters.

  • chappy

    The Creator. The Supreme being who,in my opinion has an ultimate goal for us and the rest of the universe. chappy

  • catbert

    I do, and I believe he is male, and he has emotions like us.

    When God made us in his image, he gave us the ability to experience the same emotions he experiences.
    Love, hate, jealousy, anger.

    He does not experience the emotion of fear. He reserved that for humans.
    Thus the term "God fearing" Christian.

    Can you think of non-human animals that you can say actually feel love, hate, anger or jealousy?
    No, these are the emotions of God passed on to us, from him.

  • dinah

    Let the reader use discernment. More profound words have never been spoken.

    The only part of the bible I trust are the gospels. The rest of it is just human opinion. Paul had some serious issues.

    The stories in the bible are used by people to correct "wayward" behavior. Who defines the standards? I think Jesus (fictional or not) summed up everything with the golden rule.

  • Kinjiro

    The idea of a supreme being looking down on us, sitting on a heavenly throne is not christian... it is as ancient as humankind itself... inteligent design? maybe... the only certain thing about the so called god is that no one can be certain of or about him/her/it...

    As for the bible goes... well consider this... have you ever played the 'secret' game? You get a bunch of people in a room and tell a secret to one that has to tell it to another one quietly in their ears etc etc.. until everyone is told the 'secret'... the you compare what was told to the first person with what the last person tells... even in a small group you never get the exact words from the beginning...

    The oldest copies of the so called sacred books that make 'da book' are dated centuries after the facts... meaning that books are copies of copies of copies etc etc etc... (I am only referring to the gospels... imagine even the older ones.....many many more centuries ago therefore many many times copied over... (I am not going to talk about moses and his mountain fever writings)) what makes you think what you read today is actually what was written or told so long ago ?

    Besides if you take the bible as a sacred inspired written-by-god book, why are you surprised that other books like the koran, vedas, mormon, etc etc are considered sacred and written-by-god also?

    copies of copies of copies of writings of 40 men over 1400 years...?

    Add to that the fact that Irineo and the council of Nicea actually selected what was to be considered canonic or not... and VOILA! the final product is a book written by humans, copied by humans, edited by humans and interpreted by humans in order to control other humans...

    Nothing heavenly or divine about that to me...

  • Undecided

    I don't really know what I believe right now. I don't think the bible is the word of a God, just what a bunch of men have thought up. I often think of God or whatever or whoever made the universe but wonder why so many stars, planets, suns etc. were made. I was thanking him yesterday while sitting out in the yard for my life and the fun I've had here. I asked why we aren't seeing any evidence of him being alive now?

    I was wondering how a bite of fruit could make Adam know good and evil. Why a perfect God could make such an imperfect world. Why he can't forgive humans without a human sacrifice but we have to forgive others or he won't forgive us. Why does he need to destroy the heavens and earth and make a new one? Why did he view Abraham as being so much better than any human, so much so that the new Jerusalem was comming down from heaven with the twelve tribes as part of the Kingdom of God? Read the 21st. chapter of Rev. Why is he waiting so long to bring the end of his first world to make his second new one?

    Too many questions that can't be answered except by some spirit filled special man or org. which none can agree is the real truthful one.

    I guess I don't have bind faith so am heading for that hell fire that he made for people like me.

    Ken P.

  • Mysterious
    Can you think of non-human animals that you can say actually feel love, hate, anger or jealousy?

    Really now? You don't think animals feel any emotions? Not even primates? The human-ego is at an all time high for that one.

  • dinah

    I've seen dogs mourn a loss.

  • Sirona

    My view of divinity is that it pervades and extends beyond the universe. I believe in Evolution.

    I think I might be labelled panentheist

    I am also neo-pagan

    and I subscribe to the ideas of the Qaballah as understood in the Western Esotericism.

    Qaballistically speaking, Kether is "the ALL" - the Holiest of Divinity - which emanates the rest of the universe out from itself. The universe and God is evolving together.

    "Gods" are a human interpretation of certain cosmic forces.



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