I am not a JW, but know several, and I am curious as to why adults get involved with the JWs. Any one have an answer from personal experience?
If you weren't born in, how did you get in?
by ecuador 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't have an answer from personal experience (born in). They catch people at a low point in their lives and POUNCE. If you are poor and want out of life or have recently lost a loved one, you are toast. I've even seen them watch the obituaries and target the survivors. That is LOW.
i found the books of my own accord from someone who didnt want them anymore
i studied them myself for a year
found a kingdom hall...
asked for a study -
But they DO prey on the weak.
No answer to that, huh?
Oh! I was praying and the Witnesses knocked at my door. I call bullshit.
who are you talking to?
So what was it about the materials and studies that convinced you that this was the truth?
I just say I'm calling bullsh*t. I was raised as one and I know every trick in the book to make us turn back Jehovah= Organization.
Where is Jesus?
so wait... were calling bullshit on me?!?!?
Nobody finds that drivel and sucked in, unless you are stupid or falling on hard times. I had that crap beat into me from BIRTH, It took me 35 years to half-way get over it. You will find no sympathy here. For Christians, yes but NOT for Jehovah's Witnesses. It is a pit of vipers.