Divine Plan As Seen in the Great Pyramid: Now on Google Books

by cabasilas 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • digderidoo


    Where is your information from that Jews financed Russell?


  • JCanon


    Where is your information from that Jews financed Russell?


    I posted the link above. Russell BRAGGED about having financiers. In the link above I gave they claim it was B'nai B'rith... Here's that reference. Maybe you can Google some more sources to confirm this. But, it is a FACT he was backed by somebody. The report says it was B'nai B'rith connected with the Rothchilds. So it that is not accurate it would be someone else. That has to be considered in the context of the WTS being very ZIONISTIC. Remember "Zion's Watchtower"? Maybe some Zionists wanted another Christian organization supporting Zionism. That makes sense. Russell definitely was pro-Zionism. So good luck in your search to find more specific substantiation but there doesn't seem to be much pointing anywhere else. I mean, the WTS was called "ZION'S WATCHTOWER"!!! So if he was being financed and paid, one would expect he would have an agenda that was compatible with their own. So... I personally have had no reason to suspect anything other than this. I discovered the financial support first and then found supplemental confirmation who it was. I've seen no rebuttal to these claims. So.... Who else would finance them? Who else had an interest in ZIONISM? http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Jehovah%20Witnesses/jw.htm Let me know if you find anything contrary and I'll be glad to review it and include the alternatives or amend/modify my position. Thanks. JC

  • digderidoo


    Thanks, it wasn't a question to query you, it's just that i have never heard it before.


  • cabasilas


    Thanks for back pedaling a bit, but I still take offense at your statements. At any rate, perhaps this could be a subject of another thread as I don't think it belongs here.

    And for newbies, if you haven't discovered this already, JCanon is our resident "Messiah" (or "false messiah" as I prefer to think of him) here at JWD. He actually believes he's Jesus Christ and will compose long-winded posts trying to establish the necessary chronology proving his claim. Those of us who profess Christianity here usually ignore those threads, and I think many of those who profess another faith or no faith quite often ignore them too. The powers that be here at JWD do allow a rather wide spectrum of discussion, to be sure.

  • VM44

    Thanks for posting the link to the book.

    This edition of Volume 1 of Russell's book combined with the Pyramid Chapter from Volume 3 of Russell's Studies in the Scriptures was printed in order to attract the attention of those interested in Pyramidology so as to get them to buy the book.

    It was done for advertising/publicity purposes to get to those who would not normally have considered buying Russell's books.

    This leads one to suspect that Russell wrote about the Great Pyramid and related it to his chronology simply in order to gain more attention to his writings.

    Russell was always interested in promoting and selling more copies of his books, so if there was a great interest in the Pyramids during the latter half of the 19th century, then Russell wanted to take advantage of it!

    He was a businessman after all.

  • BabaYaga

    Thank you for this!

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