I pray when I have a really bad hangover.
I have a wierd take on praying, what about you?...
by Hecklerboy 28 Replies latest jw friends
The Bible says to pray without ceasing. ..
For me.. it is a forever inner conversation with Almighty God, creator of the universe, Jesus my Lord, through a Real relationship with the Holy Spirit.. My best friend and the one that interprets the Scriptures for me!!!... He is my teacher... My God. MY heart. and in my heart and soul we are "relating" as i type! lol... tiz true.
When you "KNOW" Him....you know that our insignificance is significant to Him. And when you understand that.. the Greatness of his LOVE.. HIs Sacrifice to befriend us... Talking with Him is like breathing...
I stop praying but I sometimes "feel" that I'm not alone in my head. I know that may sound a little weird but I don't know how to explain it.
So what your take on praying? All the time or just when you need serious help?
Although I believe we were created, I no longer believe in a higher being, so I stopped praying a long time ago. When I used to pray as a dub, I really didn't think anyone was listening. I think it was just a way for me to put my thoughts in order by thinking through things in prayer. I also no longer have the desire to pray before I eat. Recently, I went to an old friend's house who is still sorta active, and the family prayed and it felt very foreign to me; like what is the point.
I pray, part of me considers myself an agnostic. The other part prays.
After being raised a JW, not getting an education and trying to survive in this world with the handicaps being a JW gave me,
I find myself praying automatically.
Sometimes just to maintain my sanity.
Sometime I pray the alcoholics serenity prayer.
"God grant me the serinity to accept the things I cannnot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
The bible does say to pray all the time.
I guess if you dont believe the bible then its not necessary to pray.
I dont know if I believe the bible or not. I used to believe when I was a JW. But then I found out that I and all of the other JW's were full of crap.
Then I called myself a Christian and read the bible then it seemed I and all of the Christians were full of crap.
I find if you think about God and the bible a lot and try to understand it can take you to the edge of insanity. Or maybe being at the edge of insanity makes you think about God and the bible.
Maybe I should check out the koran.
Jaguarbass, you are not the only one who feels the need to pray about things in your heart.
It is something I too was brought up with and it still influences my mind at times. I know that guilt plays a big part in it, and if you have family members in the "truth" it makes it worse.
Being aware of the falsehoods in the WTS doesn't free you. I don't know what does. But over time you will get over the praying before a meal and other demanding thoughts will go away. If you find yourself leaning towards another Christian Religion, know that it will be hard to accept. And for good reason. You will have to accept the Trinity, Hell, and a belief that Jesus was God on Earth. Too far a stretch for me to agree with. But you have your own mind and don't let it be polluted by lies and false hopes. Use logic and things will make sense.
But you must be strong and accept what your own logic tells you. What it is only you know.
I feel it's a waste of time to request anything from Jehovah. First, there are the Big Three (His name be sanctified, His Tyranny come, His nefarious will take place). God is not going to not answer those articles simply because I did not explicitly ask Him in prayer. If He did, He would only be going against His own will, since all these things deal with His will. And God is not going to not do God's will. Hence, you are wasting your time asking for them.
The other items are things God MAY give you, IF He feels like it. Once again, if it is simply for someone He doesn't give a fxxx about, He might choose not to do it at all. And if He chooses to do it, it isn't because of a prayer. Hence, either way it is a total waste of time to pray to Jehovah in hopes of getting anything, even though it would in no way pose a hardship on Him to provide it (beyond the "hardship" of having to do His own wastes of paper and Value Destroyer Training School works).
Thanking God? In my experience, if I want anything good to come to a quick, permanent end, thanking Jehovah is the surest way of accomplishing just that. Result: I NEVER thank that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag for anything. I either take credit for it myself if I did most or all the work, give proper credit if someone did help me, or give Satan the credit if it seems miraculous. Much better than thanking some Almighty Baghead for it only to have Him ensure it be snatched out of my life permanently.
I think positive affirmations when spoken aloud can be quite beneficial.
I pray, I meditate as a Buddhist, I hum as a human - whatever your spiritual or non-spiritual belief, I don't think there is anything wrong with praying - you can define it to make it meaningful for you.
White Dove
I'm not big on habits.
I find them hard to form, so I always had a hard time remembering to pray to god.
I suppose that I always felt like if he's there, he sure never listens to me.
Now I pretty much know for myself that no one is there and that praying is a waste of time.
I meditate for relaxation and do spells when I need something to happen or to effect change of some sort.
The spells (mental tricks I play on myself, as far as I know) work every time.
Prayer failed every time for me because I was not looking for the solution within myself.
It was always a solution that came from god, who was never there.
I believe that if your prayer is answered, it was you alone that did it.
Prayer is a mental trick that you play on yourself, I believe.
It works for some but not for me.