Let us know how you get on! This is something i want to do but have to wait until my baby is 9 months apparently they won't accept me before then! Am not sure what to expect either but want to do it to say a big thanks and give something back because one of my kiddies would have died if it hadn't been for the transfusions they had. Sounds daft but it will make me feel freer from the jws as well, like taking a huge step away from them and that awful blood doctrine. Enjoy your free cup of tea and biscuit!
First Time Blood Donor
by AudeSapere 27 Replies latest jw experiences
Make sure that you drink plenty of water. I donated while dehydrated once and my slow flowing blood kept clotting resulting in three puncture sites as the nurse tried to fill the bag. This was the only time that I've had a problem during a donation and I won't make that mistake again.
this was what got me labeled bad asscoatiation, more power to ya.
I used to donate blood, but now donate platelets instead. I've never had any problems, but I was recommended to drink a lot of water during the day leading up to the donation.
Well Done for doing that now you can say to the sad idiot who comes knocking next you gave blood that would scare them.
Thats a good way to help people after what I heard on news about JW's refusing blood and dying, since that is cause of me leaving the cult in the 1st place after the stupid elders lied to me luckly he gotten way with me during the bad times after leaving otherwise I probley would of gotten violent and hurt him as I did have a bad temper towards the cult. I saw a counseller about this problem.
Well Next JW that came to my door, I made a big issue about their ways with blood and my knowledge on the Watchtower secrets these sados tried to bluff their way out, once I learned about their secrets it stays in my mind. Some member of family asked me about it, I told her the secrets to warn them. I learnt this through research while in a bad way. Basically when I mentioned "Emma Gough who died cos of refusing blood because of being with you lot", the JW said to me "The Hospital didnt care for her enough", That was absolute rubbish excuse she gave here. Well I did stick 2 fingers up at them after dealing with them.
Its a great experience. My first donation I was scared to death- kept expecting the elders to break the doors down and haul me off in cuffs. Then there was the scare that maybe something would go wrong and I'd bleed excessively, or get light headed, etc.
But with so many medical professionals in the room- any mishaps are highly unlikely. They have the procedure down pat. It just takes a little time.
And it feels great knowing that something you did will likely save someone's life in the next few weeks. A pre-me baby, someone in an accident, someone on the operating table. And it feels good because I know that my blood is clean- and they won't have to worry about some disease.
Congratulations; I'm approaching 1 gallon. I was turned away with anemia but I just increased my broccoli consumption and the next time it was off the wall.
I've been donating blood all my adult life. At one time I had five one galon pins. Lost them in the move to Isreal several years ago. Now I'm back up to three working on my fourth since then. Just remember to hydrate well at least a day in advance and afterwards too. Otherwise you are prone to dizziness and even blackouts. Prevents the weakness that some experiance... OJ is a great one afterwards. It gets suger into the blood quickly. carmel
I got my one gallon pin a few years ago, but had to stop donating because my liver functions were messed up. Now that I quit drinking I need to try again. I got a buzz that was equal to a good stiff drink. I wouldn't recommend driving for an hour or so after you donate. I never had in problems with donating, but I've got veins like pipes.
Think of the lives you're saving!
NO doubt, congrats.
I donated for the second time a few weeks ago. Just sit back and relax. Its really not a big deal at all.
I would also eat peanut butter before and after giving. I forget why. the red cross lady told me to.
It effects people in different ways I hear. I took it pretty easy after the first time. This past time though, I went ahead and decided to try joggin a few hours later with no problem. You should tell them your a first time donor. They usually give you some extra stuff.
Dont worry at all, its a piece of cake.