In regards to other posts about people dropping dead during meeting and ASSembLIES, it has been my belief that JW's have a pretty weird way of dealing with death. I'm not sure if its just my family or what but none of my brothers or sisters ever go to visit my dad's grave. I know this for sure, because no one in my family burried him, I took his ashes and placed him in a cemetery, none of my JW brothers or sister ever asked where is dad located, and by that time my mom was already married to another JW. Seems like they don't grieve the dead, and not just the case of my dad but both of my grandpa's and a aunt who all died with in years of my dad. Seems that they are forgotten, and the JW's say we will see them in paradise, but people should still try and deal with the loss and not just act soo cold. I've posted here before about my relationship with my dad before he died and how his last words to me were that he could never forgive me for turning my back on jehovah, and that I was a dissappointment to him and he will never forgive me for the way I live my life. I still bring him flowers 4 times a year, no one in my family knows that I do this, it's just between him and me, well now you guys.
Death and JW's
by Wordly Andre 13 Replies latest jw friends
You are so correct Andre about the way JW's deal with death. The JW funeral is a typical example, it's so different to the typical funeral. Only one or two are upset, it's treated more as a way to give a witness to the non believers.
was talking with the wife about that just yesterday.
I see several outcomes from death... Eccl 9:5, you dont know anything
Protestant ideas,,,,,,,, Heaven or hell...... and "forgivness" seems pretty easy to get for a Baptist lol
Catholic ideas ..... depends on the score card..... hell, prugatory or heaven if you get caught up on penance in the former.
Eastern........... you go to the next life.
any or all of these concepts may be true or not. we wont know till we die. Just about all except 'hell" look like a 'win-win' to me. I find it real hard to get emotional about death. it's the end of suffering on this astral plane and even if you know nothing you wouldnt care anyway.
I'm not sure if its just my family or what but none of my brothers or sisters ever go to visit my dad's grave. I know this for sure, because no one in my family burried him, I took his ashes and placed him in a cemetery, none of my JW brothers or sister ever asked where is dad located, and by that time my mom was already married to another JW. Seems like they don't grieve the
That seems very sad, I imagine thats how most jw's view it the paradise and all..I just realised that I have no idea where my dad is buried, somewhere
in California, never was contacted by my step mother either.
Its nice you feel comfortable to visit there, no doubt it brings you a sort of peace.
Wordly Andre
well yeah peace but after all he was still my dad, I don't blame him for all the JW crap, I blame the org for doing that to him.
well yeah peace but after all he was still my dad, I don't blame him for all the JW crap, I blame the org for doing that to him. dont get me wrong......I miss my loved ones... but have been sorta happy to see the end come for them. Most have died on their own terms so far... old and asleep after a long life that's a comfort to me also.
Ironically I just called my JW mother who is hanging onto the ashes of my younger brother who committed suicide. I want his ashes so that when my parents pass on, I know he'll be taken care of. She was sure that any one of my witness siblings want the same thing....we had a conversation about how they all threw out his belongings after he died thinking he was demonized (when he was really most likely schizophrenic) and I was forced to quote the watchtower against my own mother on this one-regarding how JW's treat the df'd. She was just silent and then she said she'd talk to my dad about getting my brother's ashes to me so they can be buried...
Tired of the Hypocrisy
jw's are the weirdest I have ever known when death comes along. I know a man who's older brother died and then his son died a couple of years later and finally his mom about a year after that. So, he grieved and cried and acted normal. (Like a human being who had suffered great loss.)
Well he place a photo of each of his dearly departed in a glass cabinet in his livingroom as a sort of memory lane. He then would visit his mom's grave and hers only since bro and son had been cremated and scattered. Guess what his pioneer wife did?
She called the elders and accused him of idolizing the dead and that he was going to see "DEMONS" if he kept visiting the grave. They actually went on a sheep-herder call and scolded him. Imagine that....a man with almost 60 years of service to the bloody tower and being scolded
Poor man can't even grieve in peace.
It's a JW thing. My hypothesis is that they can't accept death so they act in a way that they don't have to face the reality of it.
Anything that allows them more time to preach and teach the Washtowel will be good for the Slaveholdery. Meaning that using funerals as another tool to advertise the Tyranny is certain to happen. And scaring survivors that, unless they are faithful in field circus, they will never see the deceased again.
As fur cutting the grieving short, a minute spent looking at pictures or visiting the cemetary is a minute that cannot be spent at the boasting sessions, out in field circus, or studying washtowel publications.