How would the Society give up 1914?

by donny 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sparkplug

    I would say it does not matter what they do. Faithful followers will justify the change anyway they can. They float along with their own self made flotation devices and soon enough what was promised and did not come will not matter. They will defend it until the death if they must. You ever notice how many people are completely wrong and won't just admit it? It is a huge thing to just admit you are on the wrong path.

    It sure would be nice if mass hysteria overtook the top of the tower and all were compelled to jump 'out' at the same time. Crazy religious groups have been known to do such things before.

  • treadnh2o

    With the " new meaning" they probably bought themselves 50 years before they need to abandon the year. I do love the fact that 1914 really is just a number. Thirty years ago many dubs could explain how it was derived and the interpreted significance. Now very, very few can. I believe it is because the GB may already be de-emphasizing this. If they push the issue, new ones may research it and conclude that the Borg is wrong and not join. They don't need to give up on 1914 if it is irrelevant and no one can argue against what they don't understand.

  • garybuss

    You wrote: How could the Society abandon 1914 and still keep most of its followers?

    Simple! Deny they ever taught it, and disfellowship anybody who doesn't agree that they never taught it, same as everything else they were wrong about.

    High control groups don't need policies that make sense, they just have to be enforceable.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Although it would take much more time and articles, the idea would be to do
    something along these lines:

    Stop printing the 1914 date or the 1918-19 dates. No references to 607 BCE in
    new stuff for awhile. Come out with some new stuff like this:

    At one time, the Watchtower did not have a Governing Body. Jehovah's spirit
    guided the organization primarily through the first few presidents of the WTS.
    These were imperfect men who made mistakes. For instance, they assumed the
    door to the anointed had closed in 1935 or so because of the presence of a great
    crowd. It is now apparent that the door was not closed.

    Jehovah's spirit operated through the Governing Body, but did not reveal things
    to them until the spiritual food was able to be digested by the anointed and the
    other sheep. Allowing us to go on with some mistaken notions of Brother Russell,
    Rutherford, Knorr, and Franz, many made the proclaiming of the Good News the
    most important part of their lives. If they thought the end would not come in their
    lifetimes, perhaps many colporters and pioneers would have been less diligent in
    their assignment and been led off to worldly thinking.

    It now becomes apparent that there is much more work to be done. Secular history
    has verified that (an entire 4 articles would be used here) some calculations about
    607 BCE and it's significance have been slightly off. The Governing Body has been
    guided by Jehovah to understand that we are to go back into the field because the
    day and time of Armageddon is still not known, but it is just as urgent now as it was
    in the first century to aid mankind to know the Good News.

    This is not reason for disappointment. As the day draws nearer and our understanding
    gets clearer, we rejoice. BLAH BLAH BLAH- Same old same old.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    They could accept the 587 date and then move the year to 1934.... that's about when Hitler was rising to power... and then the 3 1/2 years could correspond to 1938 (which they claim fulfills the 2300 days.... that will buy them some time...

    then they could predict the end by 2054, 120 years from 1934.... and then they can reinvent the wheel... we'll all be dead then...

    BTW, VM44 I think everyone in that 1984 article DID PASS AWAY... correct me if I'm wrong. I recognize a few dead ones like Gangas...

  • digderidoo

    They will just keep quiet about it for a good number of years and then mention something later. A bit like 1925, that stopped getting mentioned. The famous "millions now living will never die", they just went silent on that too. I suspect by 2014 you will not here much mentioned of the significance of the date.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    But all of this spiritually guided misinformation did sell quite a few pieces of literature, in the millions a matter of fact.........Wink Wink

    The new light policy they have adapted for themselves can be utilized indefinitely if they really wanted to, as long as the light doesn't

    come in too quickly and constantly together..

    Spoon feed the bullshit a little bit at a time slowly is a practical and viable way to maintain the illusion.

  • heathen

    They've already stated it was an invisible generation anyway .. well ,(more or less) suddenly they can't define a generation as mentioned in mathew .Personally I don't feel they need to change the date just the understanding of what it says in mathew .Their main problem was promising the generation eternal life , the scripture doesn't promise eternal life but rather apparently the restoration of christianity , fits right in with the two waves of plagues . One the locust with scorpion tails and the other the Calvary of snake tails .They've already said that the second wave is in action today.IMO

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Well I was constructing as Heathen was posting. So here it is in graphical form.


  • VM44

    Which one is Brother Gangas on that Watchtower cover?

    When looking at that cover, I do feel somewhat sad. I am sure that each one of those persons would have had some interesting and possibly valuable experiences to tell.

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