Mississippi's State Slogan: We Rank First in Bad Things, And Last in Good Things." Oh, and your life expectancy drops, too. Read that in my local newspaper.
How's it like... living in the South?
by Preston 21 Replies latest jw friends
You have a rainbow confederate flag???? Isn't that an oxymoron?
changeling :)
I live in the Western part of NC. Love it!!! You usually run into people you know when you go out and it's nice for everyone to look out for each other. Being in the western part, we have many area's we can go riding four wheelers on mountain trails, go to several nearby lakes, and also have creeks that are damed up during the day to go swimming. Then we are not too far to go to the beach. We are about 1 1/2 hr from Charlotte (where I'm originally from). We go down several times a month for either a concert or some other event in the city. I can't see myself living any other place than in the South. I have a strong southern accent, so anytime I go up north I get laughed at!!! They're just jealous they sound like yanks!! LOL
I am a southern girl, born in Mobile, raised in Mobile, SE Louisiana and Atlanta. I have lived away from the south since early of 2001, except for three months last year. I was in Knoxville. I loved it there. It was beautiful. The people were soo friendly and hip. The job market was much better than in Michigan. The men were interesting and fun.
But at least here the temps are mild and it's pretty. I miss the southern characters. I miss the openess of the people. I miss my job. I miss being able to easily find a fulltime job. I miss the Sonics, Super Wal-marts, Krystals, good food.....I just miss it. There's a spirit there and a culture that is just missing up here jammed in between these Great Lakes.
Culturally.... I'm open to spending my time at Piggly Wiggly and getting me a case of Dr. Pig (their answer to dr. pepper). And I would like to spend some time down there, and listen to some nice southern accents. Although those super walmarts scare me. Too bad about the job market up there. I know it sucks right now. - Preston
Down sides No malls.
Bought and sold!
- Preston
I moved here from Upstate NY and like many things about WV. The unemployment rate and lack of jobs is not one. That is the trade off for living in a rural mountainous state with great trout fishing streams and the Monongahala National Forest.
I'll google map it.... how's their airport?
- Preston
Louisiana...I'm from there. Loved New Orleans, haven't been back since Katrina. Louisiana's negative side is the tax system and overall ability to make a decent living, IMHO. I love the land...the politics make me sad. Not saying it's not possible...it's just touch unless you have a good niche.
Hi WLG, Enjoyed meeting you in Vegas way back.
I do my company's taxes and file LA's monthly transaction tax returns. Sometimes I wish they would just combine their sales and county and city rates on the same return rather than having to file a hundred different forms of paperwork for all the parishes.
But I will visit. ;-). I hear good things about NC, worked with many fin. institutions inside the state.
- Preston
Preston- Stop talking about moving away, I hope you're not serious.
By the way I got your message; I've been meaning to call you back- my plans changed but I'll call you this weekend seeing how it's almost midnight here. -
Southern living is wonderful. Very laidback. The people are friendly and the prices are low.
Hmmmm..... I'm not aware of too many "bungalows" lining the country roads around here, but if you were to find one, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to piss off the local folk by flying a rainbow confederate flag.
But it's ok. You can live in the south and not have a confederate flag. Or a gun rack. Or a dog. Or even live on a country road. Most of us don't live out in the country or own a confederate flag. I'm sure that most of us don't even think about having sex with our cousins. Housing is very affordable here. You can have anything from a multi-million dollar estate all the way down to a single-wide trailer out in a field somewhere.
It's still pretty hot here, though. I nearly fried myself to death yesterday working up in the attic. It's almost like Arizona, without the cacti. We even have more than enough illegal Mexicans to make you feel like you're in AZ. C'mon down to Georgia and have a ball.