Is it more interesting to the elders if the sister doing naughty things is sexy? Or is it just uncomfortable for everyone no matter what? Do their questions get more or less detailed depending on looks? ("Did you touch him here? Did he touch you there? Never mind Sister Ugly we really don't need to know more. Can you be more descriptive Sister Jolie?" etc.)
Are judicial committees titillating when the wrongdoer is attractive?
by JimmyPage 14 Replies latest jw friends
"Do their questions get more or less detailed depending on looks? "
although i love her to death, a former sister i know, isnt that attractive, and she got the 3rd degree.
Im not that great looking by any means, but all i had to say was
"I had sexual intercourse with her"
and they got the point.
YMMV (of course) -
Octarine Prince
I've read several accounts here, and have heard it from others in person, how many elders get jollies from asking the questions. I have to say that under many circumstances, they should ask the questions. (They shouldn't get vicarious pleasure from this necessary task, however.)
It is necessary to ask Sister Sexy if she had sex more than once with her boyfriend. Was she drunk or under the influence of another drug at the time? What positions did they do it in? Now, we start to get hot. But that question is necessary in order to ascertain the attitude of the sinner. Was it a quick, one time thing, or was it a 3-hour orgy? -
what positions did they do it in?
is that really nessecary? Or were you saying it isnt?
Yeah, there is a huge diff between some drunken quickie and a 3 hour orgy, yeah hehe
but that can be said in easy, nonexplicit terms, no? -
I think it depends on how much of a pervert the elder doing the questioning is, you know, they usually have one hard hitter, good cop, bad cop style. I know at my elder's meeting, they asked alot of very embrasessing, very detailed questions, including did I enjoy it, how many times, what positions, did I give/recieve oral, etc. I was thinking WTF? Duh, what do you think dumbass. But that's not how I answered at the time of course.
I think alot of them just get their jollies out of the power trip and some get their jollies out of more.
I cannot say that it has never happened, I am sure it has - and the WT has seen fit to issue warnings to elders about it -
BUT....This is something that I never encountered in 24 years of eldership any no end of committees. One of the last cases in which I was involved was an attractive young girl about 20 or so..She was asked what happened and she told her story , but no way did any elder cross the line and ask personal intimate stuff. For one thing, it was not relevant , and we just would not do so.
The Internet loves to blow up this idea and promote elders as lecherous men salivating at the idea of "talking dirty" to the miscreant, but in my experience, thankfully it just did not happen
Blues brother~ "The Internet loves to blow up this idea and promote elders as lecherous men salivating at the idea of "talking dirty" to the miscreant," and it did not happen in your case. Do you feel left out? I had better give you a few of my elders meetings. They even ask if you many times did you do this act. Then they add in things like did he put his hand here and rub? Did you do it first or did he? Was oral sex involved? Did he penetrate you, blah, blah, f'ing blah. It really sucks. (No pun intended)
Do you find this thread titillating JP?
No I dont think anyone wants to ask those questions anymore than anyone wants to answer them.
Its just that different actions require different sanctions.
"We had intercourse."
"How many times?"
no more follow up questions needed.
"We fooled around"
"What do you mean? Did you have intercourse"
"No, just touched"
"Touched what?"
"The small of her back'
"Oh ok so we dont really need a JC""We fooled around"
"What do you mean? Did you have intercourse"
"No, just touched"
"Touched what?"
"Her breast"
"Was it a casual touch or was the intent to excite her?"
"I mawled it like a rabid bear"
"Oh ok how long did this go on?"
"A week before my conscience got the best of me"
"Did you touch anywhere else?"
"Ok well this is a judicial matter then"And vice versa for a female interview.
little witch
Why JP do you assume it is a sister doing "naughty things"? HMMMM? My opinion is that anyone who submits to outside influence in matters of sex is off kilter in some way or another. Exhibitionist perhaps? I think that to invite strangers (and elders really are strangers) into ones bedroom betrays the persons lover (whether they are married or not). Who, in this day and age would do such a thing as to willfully engage in an intimate (look up the definition) act with a person, and then through their own faults (guilt), discuss and accuse the partner? And who, but a pornography (look up that definition as well ) user would entertain the notion of asking for verbal description of a persons encounters? Then let's consider that the people asking of such descriptions are sexually stunted, and immature. Would a normal person trust their judgement? LW
I know of a Sister years ago who is very very sexy was asked in her jc if she she was naked and she said yes...then this elder who I know is a total wack job asked her if she still had her socks on! Why would anyone have to ask a question like that? I think he's a litlle perv and has some weird fetish.