Woman on Regional Building Committee?

by blondie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    July 17, 2008 Cambridge Who's Who
    The Cambridge mission is to deliver its members the recognition and competitive edge needed to network and do business effectively.

    Jessica L. Paradowski Inducted into Cambridge Who's Who Executive, Professional and Entrepreneurial Registry
    -- Ms. Paradowski specializes in Neuromuscular Therapy, Deep Tissue, Clinical Massage, Hot Stone, Reflexology, and Hawaiian Lomi Lomi. --/Cambridge Who's Who/ - Fayetteville, GA, July 17, 2008, Jessica L Paradowski, Massage Therapist and President of Body Tonic Inc., has been recognized by Cambridge Who's Who for showing dedication, leadership, and excellence in all aspects of Massage Therapy.

    Ms. Paradowski specializes in Neuromuscular Therapy, Deep Tissue, Clinical Massage, Hot Stone, Reflexology, and Hawaiian Lomi Lomi. She is responsible for treating patients with chronic pain by performing clinical massage techniques, along with creating an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. Ms. Paradowski is responsible for overseeing all business operations and clients. She previously worked as a health and fitness advocate just completing her first marathon on March 30, 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia. She attributes her success to her hard work, determination, and passion for massage therapy.

    Ms. Paradowski is also highly involved in giving back to the community. She currently works with the Regional Building Committee of Jehovah's Witnesses in her area. On these sites she is furthering her knowledge and laboring in Masonry work and Roofing. Ms. Paradowski's involvement in volunteer work allows her the opportunity to give back, and express her gratitude and appreciation toward others and life.
    Certified in Neuromuscular Therapy and Licensed Massage Therapy in the state of Georgia, Ms. Paradowski holds a Diploma from Atlanta School of Massage Clinical Division and is affiliated with the American Massage Therapy Association. She hopes to continue her practice and further her knowledge in continuing education classes as the field of Massage Therapy expands.

    The Cambridge Who's Who Mission
    The mission of Cambridge Who's Who is to ensure that Cambridge members receive recognition, support and credibility to advance their careers. Cambridge Who's Who is also committed to delivering the highest quality networking resource for job recruitment, career enhancement and new business development. See who's making news at the Cambridge Who's Who News Blog.

    Cambridge Who's Who members have exclusive access to the biographical information of more than 200,000 successful executives, professionals and entrepreneurs at http://www.cambridgewhoswho.com, where they use the database to share information, knowledge and services. Communication via the Cambridge Who's Who registry travels in two directions, enabling Cambridge Who's Who members to reach out when they have a business need or opportunity as well as receive information on exciting new ventures.

    Ellen Campbell
    Director of Media Relations
    [email protected]

    Cambridge Who's Who is the fastest-growing publisher of executive, professional and entrepreneur biographies in the world today. Our accomplished members and extensive online database make Cambridge Who's Who a premier resource for networking.

    The Cambridge mission is to deliver its members the recognition and competitive edge needed to network and do business effectively. Inclusion in the registry is an honor limited to individuals who have demonstrated leadership and achievement in their industry and occupation. The registry is distributed exclusively to our members around the world, making it the ideal vehicle for you to use to position yourself and your company.


  • Priest73

    That means she gets the coffee.

  • treadnh2o

    The quote indicates she assists the RBC she is not on the committee. I was an overseer for our local RBC and would venture to say if she is in a completely different line of work she is probably just there looking for brothers. If she is trying to work (unless she's hot) she is annoying the brothers (limited) who actually know what they are doing. It amazes me the amount of Witnesses that work at quick-builds and believe they are either an expert in the field or more important than they are. I found most just used them as an excuse to skip the meeting once a month.

  • TweetieBird

    It's probably an unofficial capacity even though she is probably the one with the most brains. Only elders can be on the RBC, I don't think the WTS will ever allow elderettes.

  • treadnh2o

    She actually needs to sign up with her local service committee to determine if she is spiritually qualified. As far as brains go, some brothers were qualified others just put in a lot of field service and that qualified them. I personally was tired of dealing with idiots that thought after doing something 3 or 4 times they were an expert.

  • DaCheech



    for JW's?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Many "sisters" are listed on the RBC as those who labor with skills (not the technical term).
    They answer to the "brother" in charge of them and they answer to the RBC brothers.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    A lot of over hyped BS going on there, a woman is a very intensionally degraded individual in the JWS world

    either the writer of the article misinterpreted the information or the woman did a lot of bullshitting.

    Hearing a Jw bullshit is quite common, its like they have been trained at it.

  • Roski

    A friend of mine is a well qualified doctor (been a JW for many years) and has never been invited to associate with the HLC.

  • treadnh2o

    HtheA- It is actually written factually. The problem is this sister thinks she is learning a trade that will be an invaluable tool in the new system. I've been to well over 100 "quick-builds" and even prayed over the meal for this preparation to happen.

    I am typing this shaking my head at the amount of Koolaid I drank.


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