I'm all for home-schooling in theory, but I have watched friends of mine go down that path with terrible consequences. You sound like you know the major issues, and I'm glad you included socialising on your list which will hopefully allow you to avoid what has happened to my friends.
The mum is a trained montessori teacher and so is home-schooling her kids. The only socialisation that takes place for these kids is through meeting other home-schooled kids. Unfortunately there is a bit of a culture amongst the home-school community which tends to treat the children as special if not out right geniuses. So these children have a very very skewed perception of how they fit into their wider community. The home-school group are all white middle class, so these kids get no exposure to cultural diversity. The parents tend to run about after the kids making sure that all of their problems and challenges are taken care of - so these kids don't get to experience conflict within their peer group, and nor do they know how to solve conflict or problems when they do arise.
These kids went from being delightful, playful happy little boys to terrified, nervous, anxious children. If I didn't understand that their behaviour and approach to life was a result of home-schooling gone wrong, I would suspect that they both probably have a learning disability. Their fine motor skills have deteriorated, they no longer know how to engage in conversation with anyone but their mother, and to some extent their father. They have become dull and listless, and seem to have lost interest in anything that used to amuse them. They no longer climb trees, they are terrified of new people, they catastrophise about issues of safety, dirt and germs. It's pretty sad. There is no way these two will be able to be integrated into the public system now - in fact, I don't think they will be able to integrate into any school or social structure at this stage.
Good luck with the home-schooling. I'm sure you will have a much better experience than that of my friends. It would be great if you could keep us up to date with how it is working for you...I might need some tips myself when the time comes around.