It splits into two groups. One group is those who were scammed in or that were born in and had no choice. This first group is not in it for power, but because they think it's the truth. They go along with the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger and the hounders, but they will not totally put their goodness out. These people usually end up becoming apostates, and they are no worse than the average worldly person.
The other group is there for the power. These are the ones that reach out to become hounders, and then bear down on the flock. They become the attendants at Grand Boasting Sessions that will make things miserable for everyone else. They become the hounder-hounders that coerce everyone into music purges and giving up all fun. They are the ones that tell everyone that, unless they are always out in field circus, they are murdering people. Usually, these ones stay around even though it is a scam. They can read Crisis of Conscience through and still stay in. They are the ones that can come here to read posts and rat people out instead of learning anything.
That second group is pure evil. Most of the hounders and higher are of this group (because that is how they get appointed), with the exceptions of those who fake their credentials. The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is made up of such power hungry people, and they will do everything possible to keep anyone from the first group from ever getting there (and boot anyone from group 1 that does manage to get in, out--just ask Ray Franz).
In effect, the average witless is in fact worse, but that is because the honest-hearted person is averaged with those who are seeking power.