dangerous chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide now found in every river, lake, and ocean on the planet. It was only a matter of time.
Urgent health alert.
by IP_SEC 24 Replies latest jw friends
You're behind the times with this one. The warning was given on JWD in '01, '02, '03, '04, '05, '07.
One word: Search
You're behind the times with this one. The warning was given on JWD in '01, '02, '03, '04, '05, '07.
One word: Search
been following this conspiracy for years anna There may be some that dont know the risks.
It's also in your food!! Your vegies, your fruits, even eggs and meat!!! Ahhhhhhggghhh
Awakened at Gilead
Does this mean that the end is really near ippy?
I didn't know about it IP_Sec thanks for the heads up
It's in medicines, for heaven's sake! Corporations use it in their operations, and pump it right into streams!
In regards to our health situation and other things that will be added to our food supply.
We are very close to a date that all of us need to take heed of. December 2009.
Please look at the following video concerning Codex Alimentarius
Please look at the following video concerning Codex Alimentarius
I watched a video on the CA a long time ago. So scarey it prompted me to read the actual, very public document. There is nothing benign in the CA.
Ooops, I just realize you might be in on the joke and provided the video as another example of what this thread really represents?