Looking at people in "so called" love today can be a bit deceptive, as what I have seen and still see to a great extent is 2 people
- changing who they are to suit what the other wants
That can only work to a certain extent and is not necessarily a bad thing. If you marry someone and they're irresponsible to start with, there's nothing wrong with them trying to change for the better as it would probably make their relationship better.
- playing mind games
If you do that, it's not real love.....That's for teenagers, not for adults.
- just stuck in a habit of being with someone for the sake of it
I know plenty of people who do this. They stay in lousy relationships because they figure being with someone----even if they're irresponsible, violent or controlling, is better than being by themselves. Basically, they take the path of least resistance and sell themselves short.
- looking to someone else to complete them
This isn't necessarily a bad thing......As humans, it's only natural to want to be with someone and to share your life with them.....If and when you meet the right person, they can indeed "complete you" in the sense of making your life richer and more fulfilling.
- asking a partner to prove their love by some or other action.
If your partner truly loves you, you shouldn't have to ask them to "prove their love"-----they should know what you like and they should act on it. If you're constantly having to ask your partner to prove their love, then maybe you shouldn't be with them.
How do you know when you're in love? You just know.