If a Witness sees you, will they acknowledge you, ignore you, be nice to you, or treat you as dead?
How Do JWs Treat You NOW?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
Except for the ones that shunned us when we were active jws, they acknowledge us and talk to us, minus the "bible" talk which is best. But we are inactive; could be different if we were df'd or da'd.
I have very little contact. One i crossed paths w last yr, who used to be a close friend did acknowledge me. But, that was all.
S -
I try to stay away from JWs so that I don't get "We miss you sooooooooo much" or "You're demonized".
The congregation in general just like old friends,
The elders meanwhile treat me as if I have Leprosy or The Black Death,
they don't treat Sister fokyc much better.
Octarine Prince
Inactive, and get the whole spectrum of treatment.
It's amazing that so many Witnesses treat an inactive person in a different way.
Some are ok and others treat you as if you were dead.
min, as to inactive jws, I find it depends on how much talking about the WTS and doubts you do. We never discuss it....just pearls before swine.
I don't speak about "The Truth" either. Otherwise, I'm sure I'd be df'd pronto.
Most avoid me like the plague. It was interesting to me when I would be in a store with my kids and a member of my former congregation would walk up and begin talking to them and never look at me. They would ask them how their grandparents were doing (my non-JW parents) and what they doing this weedend. When my kids would reply that dad was taking them to a movie or amusement park, they often would say something like "well I hope he's ok" and here I am standing there. I would then reply "I am doing great" which went into the wind.