see "The Dark Knight?" I just got back, and I recommend it. Joker absolutely owned the part. There were also some interesting pyschological scenarios.
Anyone else
by John Doe 18 Replies latest jw friends
I am so looking forward to seeing it. Many friends of mine went to see it over the weekend and all of them said it was a must see movie. Just the fact that I love hero movies (X-Men,Iron Man, Spider-Man, Daredevil etc..) has me anxious to see this one. Evidently from the news tonight it has already set the boxoffice records in opening weekend. I was kinda waiting a bit for the lines to die down before going to see it but the theatre has been packed here at every show. But hoping to get it in this week tho.
JD--There's a theater near you?
John Doe
JD--There's a theater near you?
Yup--two within 10 minutes, and 2 more within 30 minutes. I paid $4 for my ticket, and it was worth every penny. ;-)
Wow! Four bucks is cheap!
Isn't it obvious ;)
Absolutely, it is Heath Ledger's one of the best performances ever so this is my tribute to him.
John Doe
I didn't realize that Joker was Heath Ledger until I looked it up a few mintues ago. How sad.
here is a good review
I went to see it opening night, loved it- I'll probably see it again although I'd love to see it at an Imax theater.
I loved Heath Ledger and have considered him a fantastic method actor after I saw his performance in Lords of Dogtown. It's very sad that he's no longer here. -
John Doe
Yeah, I'm kind of bummed because I looked up who Joker was so I could see some more of his movies.