I am wondering how much of my anxiety about the end of the world is from the WT experience, and how much is just me. I just watched WALL-E, and while a cute movie, it really made me anxious. Scifi in general makes me nervous. Do any of you get especially nervous about that sort of thing? I wonder if this is the result of hearing that "the end is near" three times a week (the meetings) for my entire childhood, and seeing artist depictions of the big A. Or, if I am just the worrying type, and scifi isn't my thing....
Afraid of the end of the world?
by LearningMore 29 Replies latest jw friends
I go through phases. You hear it's sooooo close for so long and it sticks with you. Most of my fam are in and some pretty hard core. I've heard countless "signs" that they say point to this as being the "last days", no really, the very very very last days. From the price of gas and the economy to global warming now to global cooling or climate change, the unrest in the middle east you name it, it's a sign. And at times I've found myself reaching the same way, till logic sets in!
Here's a neat game...
Everytime you here the end of the world, play this song and count how many times it says end of the world as we know it. Then think about how many times you've heard that in your lifetime already. But the key to the song is its the end of the world as we know it but i feel fine
End of the World
click here for video
Signed,sealed and delivered by
Stone -
I think what you're feeling is fairly normal. I've been out for almost 22yrs so most of that stuff has gone away but I remember having frequent dreams about "the end". Severe storms would also make me cringe thinking this could be it. I also remember having a deep dread of Thursdays even after I left and it took me a little while to retrain me brain that Thursdays need not be dreaded anymore. I didn't have to go to the meetings.....I was free.
By the way, this is my very first post and I'm so glad to have found this site. I have a job that affords me the ability to be online at work and I spent HOURS on here last night reading.
Fern Welcome to JWD!!!
May your stay be a long and eventful one. I too am a newly associtaed one os glad to have you on board. Pull up a seat and grab a drink and enjoy yourself.
Tell us some about yourself if you feel so inclined.
Stone -
Try not to worry about. You could hit by a lorry today. At the end of the day, the great thing about it is.
If you did die in big apocalypse, your not alive to worry about it.
Dead people dont worry, worry about being alive.
Even if the big A came now, I'd die happy. Nowing something special happened. -
Mostly it's a jw thing ingrained in our minds and very soul....in time it will leave.....took me 10 years.....
And cut back on the Sci-fi if it contributes to anxiety....
Ok Stonewall, since you asked....
I was a born-in J dub and remember hating going to meetings for as far back as my memory goes. One of my very first J dub memories is of my father sitting all of us kids down and telling us our mother was going to be disfellowshipped. I remember my mom and sisters all crying so I cried too. I asked if mom was going to die since I couldn't wrap my five year old head around why everyone was so upset. I asked what disfellowshipped meant but of course at that age you don't really understand. Nice first memory of "the religion" eh? Hated it ever since and it got worse of course as a teenager. Got out at 18 and never looked back. Found out that there are LOTS of nice wordly folks out there and I have never, not once regretted leaving. I have a teenage son who I make sure gets to do all the stuff I was denied. He has turned out to be a fine young man......despite all that bad association! LOL
It's always the talk of peace and security in the middle east that does me in. Not that witnesses have a monopoly on the concept or anything.
No need to. Here's a positive view on our times: