After finishing "Combatting Cult Mind Control" I decided to move on to the next logical book. Thank you,! I've read the first 100 pages of "Crisis of Conscience" and it's gone by really fast.
Now I know why this book is so important. Many of the things that I've learned on this board came straight from this book and that was not clear to me before. This forum owes a huge debt to Ray Franz. I'd go a step further and say also that because of his helping us to awaken from the WT spell that the quality of our very lives owes a huge debt to Ray.
From what I've seen on this board the Hassan book and "Crisis" are the "Big Two" to read for those recovering from being Jehovah's Witnesses. But I'm open to hear more opinions on this. Are these the "Big Two" for you? Or are there other books that are equally as important to you as these?