Have u found a new faith since leaving?

by chuckyy 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mattbetrayed

    hey chuckyy we are both in the uk lets talk come back 2 me my e-mail address is [email protected] contact me we can help each other

  • FlyingHighNow

    I found my old faith, since leaving. I don't think there is a right faith. I am a universalist who is also an Episcopalian/Anglican. I believe all are on their own unique spiritual journeys. We can't know all the answers and I am fine with this. It's really a relief not to have to be accurate or know the exact way. There is no exact way. All of us are God's children. He loves all of us and there is nothing we can do to resist his good and his love and all of us, human or angel, will eventually be drawn back to him. Good will conquer evil eventually. But it's not necessary to believe in God or any religion or if you do believe to do it in any particular way.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    faith=leave someone else to think for you


  • FlyingHighNow

    Not all churches do your thinking for you. Some of them, like the Anglican communion, fully respect that you are on your own journey and you need to draw your own conclusions. I have faith because I don't believe the human capacity to love as deeply as we all do is accidental or finite.

  • lancelink

    Growing up i was a solid catholic.
    became a JW, but the religious feelings from my youth were always there.

    Now I am looking back and researching what I was raised with. It may not be 100% truth but there
    is some kind of a secure, warm feeling that comes over me when I am at church.
    Last month one of my parents (who live across the country) was in ICU and perhaps dying. There was no way
    I could have made it there until several days later.
    That Saturday evening the church has an all night vigil for people to come in and pray, or just meditate.
    As i sat there at 2:00 in the morning I analyzed my current life (JW's,parents health,family,etc) and as I sat there
    all stressed and emotional, I looked around at the statues, and pictures and this feeling of total calm came over
    me and I felt that things would be OK.
    So far they are, and I feel that I got more encouragement that night sitting in an empty church honestly thinking about things
    than I did attending the Sunday afternoon meeting at the KH, listening to a canned speech and a WT article.

  • babygirl75

    My faith rest in my family...consists of me, my husband, and my son.

    No religion could top that!

  • chickpea

    still working that one out

    not looking too likely

  • ex-nj-jw

    After the JW experience? Are you kidding me? No!


  • bluesbreaker59

    Yeah, I became a Presbyterian last Sunday. They believe in everyone having their own faith journey, and are very open to questions, and having your own thoughts on things. Its very relieving to have no one controlling your thinking or anything else you do in life. I believe there is something "greater" than me, and I truly believe that we see God's creation around us all the time. I also believe that EVERYONE has a purpose on this planet (though they may not be doing it), and everyone can contribute something of value to this world.

    I was worried about mind control and people telling me how to live also, and I know one thing, the Presbyterian church I go to does neither. They're very respectful and think very highly of education and research pursuits. I love it!

  • snowbird

    Since leaving the JW's, I have a deeper and more appreciative faith in the God of the Bible.

    I don't go to church or mingle with any other religious group, although I definitely don't rule that possibility out in the near future.


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