I sat intently listening to every word, as I continued to read it as was if I was there in the same room. Well it was a riveting and
exciting book to read. "Combatting Cult Mind control"by Steve Hassan.
Many have said that after reading this book and being born in, where do you go back to? There are no
pre-witness memories to return to so i tried to look at this book objectively when I started, to see then How can
this book help those in this situation.
These are some of the things that helped me finally lay to rest many of the What ifs....they are right,
what if it is the truth, What if now I really am giving up hope in a wonderful future.
1.Knowledge definitely is power and the truth is stronger than lies, love has more power than fear.
If you still believe in God or a higher power remember that we were created with free will. Real truth
would not use deception or mind control to take away this freedom.
2 . I found that there are an extreme amount of similarities between jw's and mind control along with the cults he describes. It is an influence that disrupts your very own identity, your beliefs, your behavior, your thinking.\,
even your very emotions and these things or part of you are all replaced with a new identity...Does the "New
personality' ring a bell???
3. He describes 4 main type of cults.
A.) Religious cults
B.) Political Cults
C.) psychotherapy/educational cults
D.) commercial cults
A. Religious cults some use the bible, some use Eastern religious base, others draw on the occult, or just made up inventions
of its leaders.
B.) Political cults these are the news makers fringe and extreme...not into this so in one ear and out the other for me....
C.) psychotherapy/ educational cults these entail workshop, seminars things that keep you paying to get further up the ladder...
and then you suck all your friends and family in to joining. Once you commit you bring them in or cut them off. These are the types
that cause nervous breakdowns, marriage problems or breakage, failing at a business, suicide's and death.
D.) commercial cults the pyramid or multi level schemes, you must recruit others to gain success. You know the news papers add that
promise making lots of money, come to room so & so at this hotel...it always costs you money to be trained but promises big returns.
Mind control and brainwashing are not the same thing, with brainwashing it is coercive, usually abusive mistreatment, even torture, like
getting locked in a room, no food for weeks...
Mind control reforms your thoughts and is more subtle where you are deceived and manipulated. One of the biggest points I could see was that
the doctrine will claim to have all the answers to any problem or situation. You really do not need to think for yourself because your
thinking is done for you by the doctrine itself. Loaded language is typical...remember the "You'll be blessed by God theme, publisher, Fds, Gb,
master, "truth" anointed, inactive, worldly and no doubt you can add your own.
I recall the parts about being separate from the public, guilt and fear being the single most important lever, and being programmed to react to the first onset
of doubt. How many times that ran through me is way too numerous to count.
There is a wealth of info in this book he talks of a few different cults, religions and interventions to free people with intense days of deprogramming.
What I come away with is that no matter if I was born in or came in later, I see a definite pattern of tactics, control, and fear and you can see
how difficult it is to leave. but reading all this makes me realise how much of a cult it is. It is a religion to its own with God far removed.
I find it important to Work at learning who you are and what your hopes and dreams are, setting out new goals and following through. I remember
coming back to Canada, believe it or not I was very shy, reserved and introverted...I wanted a new life...it was hard but I forced myself
to be out going, to meet new people every where I went. It was the best thing I could have ever done. Its not always easy for many but
it is important to never give up.
So I wonder what points did you find that will help you to help yourself or help someone else?