Tonights Local Needs talk

by Iwonder17 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iwonder17

    So our PO gets up there tonight to give a local needs part. he goes on and on about how we should not gossip if we think that someone is acting wrong in the cong. Then he goes on to say that if we know of anything we MUST go to the elders.

    Well, I know of someone who wrote a letter to the BOE about a brother that was fired for sexual harrassment at his job and then just quit his current job because he was "accused" again of sexual harrassment. So someone wrote a letter to the BOE. Well this PO mentioned it in his talk and said that the letter is "useless". There is nothing that the elders can do unless someone physically goes to the elders and tells them about the issue that they know about. he reads the "must have 2 witnessess" scripture

    Here is my thought, when that perverted MS molests his grandaughters, will he still think that the letter warning the BOE was useless?

    Good god people, take some action and protect your cong members. Stop hiding behind your silly man made rules.

  • flipper

    I WONDER 17- Great thread ! You are right - the elders will NOT protect the congregations because of their silly man made rules ! They would rather a sexual predator be on the loose abusing adults, children, or animals before they " hurt " the ba$tards feelings by outing him ! It truly is a sick organization ! The elders always try to make it seem it is the victims fault for seducing guys like this ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Iwonder17

    I am furious about this !!!!

    yeah, let's just dismiss any form of warning instead of have an awkward dscussion with a perverted MS. Worse yet, let the fat little butter ball continue to be on the stage giving parts.

    It's funny, every sister in the hall that I talk to tells me how grossed out they are when he hugs ( A.K.A feels them up ) before and after meetings

    What a joke !!!! Grow some stones and take care of your flock, you're just as bad as the Catholics

  • SirNose586

    I don't think the elders have any procedure to handle potential problems. It may be a matter of time before this individual harms a person in the congregation, but until that time comes, their rules don't address the situation, and therefore they can't act. It's quite regrettable, but I understand why they don't do anything. At the very least, he could at least take the letter under advisement and have someone assigned to watch the guy.

    The uncomfortable sisters will have to report his ickiness before anything happens.

  • StAnn
    So someone wrote a letter to the BOE. Well this PO mentioned it in his talk and said that the letter is "useless". There is nothing that the elders can do unless someone physically goes to the elders and tells them about the issue that they know about.

    Doesn't make sense. If ONE person goes to an elder and tells him what he/she knows, that still doesn't fulfill the TWO witness rule. Seems to me the BOE is pissed because it was probably an anonymous letter and they can't figure out who to persecute for coming forward to disrupt their pedophile paradise.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ok they just gave out two messages. First message: Go to the elders for anything. Second message: Make sure u have two witnesses.

    Bottom line. This is insane

  • rogerdodger

    Does the guy work at a grade school or day care? How does sexual harassment = pedophile? That's a pretty big conclusion to jump to.. Very JW. If other sisters have problems with him doing things at the hall they can tell the elders to keep an eye on him and he could be counseled. Are the sisters under age? Just because he's a creep doesn't mean he's a pedophile creep.

  • tijkmo

    anonymous letters are cowardly.

    of course they cant be acted on..

  • lisavegas420

    anonymous letters are cowardly.

    of course they cant be acted on..

    really? What if the letter writer is his wife and she doesn't want to have the shit beat out of her?


  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    I have to agree.

    They can't act on hearsay. Even though the situation you outlined is pretty good circumstantial evidence of someone with a problem, it's circumstantial.

    Not that there haven't been elders who acted on hearsay. There have been. And they were WRONG for doing it.

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