JWs and their claim to the truth A question I posed to them

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Hi All,

    I have posted a question over at Yahoo! Answers about the dubious claim the jw's have to the Truth. Please check it out and see what crap I have stirred up with this one.


    It never fails that when I post a legitimate question on there, they either have it removed and I have to appeal to get my question reinstated, or they make hateful or nonsensical comments.

    I have had to place a request for mature and biblical responses sans any ad hominem attacks against me because of how UN-CHRISTIAN the jw's behave on there....


  • ldrnomo

    I guess this is proof positive that the bORG has been succesful in dumbing down the rank and file.


  • WTWizard

    I have noticed the same problem on MySpace. Very often, the forum will have an apostate make a reasonable observation against the witlesses. The witlesses will always come in and give a stock argument against the post, and will just reiterate the same argument when rebutted. I go along and refer people to several web sites (Silentlambs, Six Screens of the Watchtower, Freeminds, etc.) Invariably, the witless replies are that such are merely lying, hateful apostate sites and that they do not need visit any of them.

    If they would only visit those sites and rationally analyze them, they would find out the truth. Either the witlesses are lying, or they can find some decent argument that would shred the apostate arguments. Not once has any witless ever made a sensible rebuttal to any of those sites, or to the other apostates that post there. Not once has any witless even read any of those sites before attacking. Instead, they attack first and do not ask any questions later.

    If the witlesses indeed did have the truth, they should be able to read those sites and rationally point out the flaws. I have done that with the "secret" society I joined, reading material that claims it to be a cult. Invariably, it is based on material taken out of context from the books, and I (having read the books) will point out that the books, when in context, do not say what the critics claim. And I still believe that it is a good organization (and by good I mean the benefits exceed the costs of being there, not that it is perfect).

    In that case, why can't the witlesses analyze and rationally criticize the apostate web sites? After all, they should be easily able to find out of context or blatantly false statements in the apostate material and correct it. Which none have ever attempted. Hmm.

  • delilah

    I have had to place a request for mature and biblical responses sans any ad hominem attacks against me because of how UN-CHRISTIAN the jw's behave on there....


    I find it amusing, just how "un-Christian-like" they can be, how arrogant they are, in their belief that they, and only they, have the true religion.

    My own mother, when I asked her a few pointed questions, came at me, much like the "rabid devil" she accuses people of other religions of acting. And she, has quite the drinking problem, of which I reminded her, that "drunkards would not inherit the kingdom of God".

    Of course, she didn't like that one bit!!

    There is no talking to them....they are close-minded....like the scribes and pharisees in Jesus ' day.

    Not once has any witless ever made a sensible rebuttal to any of those sites, or to the other apostates that post there. Not once has any witless even read any of those sites before attacking. Instead, they attack first and do not ask any questions later.

    This is probably due to the fact that it is pounded into their brains, that they should NOT visit or view any material or sites, deemed to be "apostate". It's like they think their eyes will shrivel up and fall out of their heads or something....and yet, every now and then, you'll see a witness appear on here....arguing, name-calling, etc....

    Go figure???!!!! plus, do they really have a "sensible" rebuttal anyways???? Not that I've ever seen.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    I can’t believe some of the answers to your question. One person was wondering if those other religions came after C.T.Russell started up the WTS. The ‘seventh day Adventists’ and the ‘Christadelphians’ both started before Russell and would have influenced his own religion.

    There is absolutely no excuse for not knowing about other religions. How can these ones in the organisation go from door to door in such ignorance…..??

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Well in defense there was one good response where the JW said he didn't know what the other religions believed and wanted to know. My favorite was "they don't have Jehovah's backing". Proof please?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    What would 7th Days and the others say to JW's who didn't join THEIR true religion, instead of the other way around?

    You can tell the ones that answered were never required once in their whole lives to give university level answers.

    They didn't concisely state their belief, site reasons for it, and then give supporting and reliable documentation to support their reasons. Sheesh! And they expect others to trust them with their eternal futures and money?! They expect everyone to rely on them for life's answers?

    If I asked a question on chemical to water ratio for a mop solution or how to streak-free squeegee windows, I would trust them, but beyond that? No.

  • Honesty
  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    If I asked a question on chemical to water ratio for a mop solution or how to streak-free squeegee windows, I would trust them, but beyond that? No.



    Are you sure you would get an objective answer? Or perhaps: "Mix 50% alchohol, 50% water, and a drop of detergent because the elders tell me so."

    // Not really sure if that is the content of window washing fluid. It's been a while since I've done windows.

  • insearchoftruth

    Couldn't that be a questions readers ask...what is the proper mix for window washing solution?

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