I am new here and scarred out of my mind. I have been a born in and do not understand what is happening. I alway thought this was the truth. Now I do not know. The pedophile problem is my biggest reason for doubting the truth and the reason I started having doubts in the first place. My husband is a die hard JW and would never leave. I was looking at the six screen of the watchtower that was on yesterday and now it is gone. I can not seem to get it to come up when I type it in my address on the serch engen and I am not good with computers. Is it anywhere still on freeminds. Why is it gone? Was there something wrong with it. I was hopping maybe my husband might listen to Bill Browne part on child abuse. I am am so freaked out about sending this and my husband would be mad. I am so scarred about what is happening. Why are they not handing the child abuse problem right. Why are pedophiles seeming to be so prected in the truth. I just do not understand it. I have been reading on this site for about a month and this is my first post. Thanks
the six screen of the watchtower conferencecall
by verystupid77 26 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome... I hope you might consider changing your handle!!! I wouldn't say you're "very stupid" although I'll bet you're pretty confused right now... You have many, many people here who are more than willing to help you through this... If you are worried that someone will figure out who you are, first of all, they shouldn't be here... Aside from that, be careful with personal information you provide, try not to post anything that will enable someone to figure out where you are located geographically. Really though, this is a very safe place to be... Ask questions, keep reading, there is always someone to guide you in the right direction. Oh, and if you are worried about your husband finding out... Using Internet Explorer, go to "tools" then "internet options" then "clear history"...
Meg -
This is the site, search around you may find exactly what your looking for.
From this you tube video you can check the related videos for more info.
Lady Zombie
It's all still there. It sometimes takes Kool Aid Man06 (who owns Six Screens) a few days to get the new conference call sessions posted.
Relax and welcome!!!!
I would change your name right off the bat! You are NOT stupid. Your very smart to start using they grey stuff between your ears. I was a JW for 25 years I made 10 people JW's. I was like you scared when I found out it was not the truth.
I was kicked out because I didnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914. But I am so happy they ousted me. Because life is great now except for the fact they have convinced my daughter & grand child not to speak to me....As to the site your asking about Every wednesay Rick ( the one that owns it) puts the last conferance call on his page ,I am sure some one on here will put it on for you, they are a wonderful helpful lot. Good to have you here. WELCOME!!!!!!
Verystupid, at least change the 77, ok?
Welcome verystupid77...maybe you should change your name to verystupid1975
VS77, I am in the third generation of four-generation JW family. I served as a ministerial servant and elder and was very much a zealous Witness. In 2004 I went through exactly what you are going through now, and this is the case with the majority who frequent this site. Here are my recommendations...
1) Try your best not to be afraid. As many here will attest, the fear that someone at the Kingdom Hall will figure you out for posting here is rather irrational--unless, of course, you post lots of very specific personal information. Further, I believe you have already recognized that your being able to examine all the information on this and any other subject is your right, and there is no way in the world you should feel wrong for doing so.
2) Take it a bit slowly. The greatest likelihood is that you may receive some trouble for bringing this up with your husband. All I'm suggesting is that you take the time to gather the information and let it formulate in your brain so that, when you do bring it up (should you decide to,) you are coming from a much more confident and rational position that you're probably in now.
My best...
Hi VS77 -
Welcome to JWD! This is the perfect place for you get your own thoughts together.
From the little we've learned about you in your one post, I think at VeryStupid is another mis-nomer. VeryThoughtful or even VeryScared might be better fits. But even from the little you've posted, you are definitely *not* stupid.
I completely agree with Confession's suggestions (above). Read back through his other threads and postings and you will find that he has suffered his own crises' (don't know how to make that word be plural).
you wrote: Why are they not handing the child abuse problem right. Why are pedophiles seeming to be so prected in the truth.
I choose to believe that they are not as evil in their intent as to deliberately seek to protect pedophiles. I think the protection results from their overwhelming desire to protect their image to the world and the relection of that image on to Jehovah.
The pedophile protection is very real. The WTS sytem is not set to protect children and other victims and so the pedophiles benefit and flourish. Another factor - and in my own belief world it's a much smaller factor - is the phenomenon of "the old boys' club". The very human element of the leadership team from GB down to MS consists of a system that at its core is misogynistic and self-serving. It's tough and horribly emotional for them to consider hanging one of their own. It happens. But not often enough.
Just my opinion based on 20+ years in the org with an elder dad.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)
Welcome VS ...we all understand what it is like to discover that "The Truth" - is not.....
Take it easy and read all you can, slowly, There are some wonderful "Best of" threads right here on the Board