Does anyone have any idea how many Kingdom Halls were built in the US during the last decade versus how many were closed? What is the ratio in the area you live in? With so many teenagers deserting the JWs, I'd think that soon they'll be closing more KHs than they are building, at least in the US and Western Europe.
How many Kingdom Halls are being built/closed?
by navytownroger 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's a good question, but a tough one. I have no idea. I hope someone can find out for you. I'd be curious about this, also.
I'll bump this up for ya.
Built = too many.
Closed = too few.
Number of congregations is increasing with thousands each year.
In my area, it is steady state. There are few new ones being baptized, and most of those are children (this is not 1988, when there was a spike in new members). However, I am hoping to start seeing meeting attendance start heading south into the teens per boasting session per Kingdumb Hell.
I hope they all close down.