Can you help me understand these stories? I want to know why these are in the bible. Do they fortell anything happening now?
These are historical events that are there to help us understand how Jehovah deals with certain situations and what people did. None of these are prophetic. They are there for face value from my point of view.
But in the case of Lots daughters, there was an aphrodiac known in ancient prostitution that caused unconsciousness and convulsive orgasm. It must have been thought that under this drug the impregnation was by demons and so the child born was then sacrificed and killed. Consider it a potent Viagra that causes unconsciousness. It was mixed with wine. Those in Sodom must have been aware of it and used it for sexual enhancement and so Lot's daughters used it on him. So they knew when they got him drunk on the wine he'd pass out and then go into convulsions and involuntary orgasm, without him knowing about it. That's how they got pregnant and Lot wasn't aware of it.
The WTS suggested, which I suppose might be considered, that Lot knew these men were gay and would not be interested in his daughters. They may not have been that attractive or perhaps were obese. The context that their prospects for marriage were slim underscores their desperation to get pregnant by their own father after their mother was out of the way.
But how about THIS ONE:
8 “And it must occur in all the land,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “[that] two parts in it are what will be cut off [and] expire; and as for the third [part], it will be left remaining in it. 9 And I shall certainly bring the third [part] through the fire; and I shall actually refine them as in the refining of silver, and examine them as in the examining of gold. It, for its part, will call upon my name, and I, for my part, will answer it. I will say, ‘It is my people,’ and it, in its turn, will say, ‘Jehovah is my God.’”
This is about the HOLOCAUST, the first "great tribulation" where two thirds of the Jews would be exterminated for the sins of their forefathers.

Statistics of The Holocaust
Country | Initial Jewish Population | Estimated % Killed | Estimated Killed | Number of Survivors |
POLAND | 3,300,000 | 91% | 3,000,000 | 300,000 |
USSR | 3,020,000 | 36% | 1,100,000 | 1,920,000 |
HUNGARY | 800,000 | 74% | 596,000 | 204,000 |
GERMANY | 566,000 | 36% | 200,000 | 366,000 |
FRANCE | 350,000 | 22% | 77,320 | 272,680 |
ROMANIA | 342,000 | 84% | 287,000 | 55,000 |
AUSTRIA | 185,000 | 35% | 65,000 | 120,000 |
LITHUANIA | 168,000 | 85% | 143,000 | 25,000 |
NETHERLANDS | 140,000 | 71% | 100,000 | 40,000 |
BOHEMIA MORAVIA | 118,310 | 60% | 71,150 | 47,160 |
LATVIA | 95,000 | 84% | 80,000 | 15,000 |
SLOVAKIA | 88,950 | 80% | 71,000 | 17,950 |
YUGOSLAVIA | 78,000 | 81% | 63,300 | 14,700 |
GREECE | 77,380 | 87% | 67,000 | 10,380 |
BELGIUM | 65,700 | 45% | 28,900 | 36,800 |
ITALY | 44,500 | 17% | 7,680 | 36,820 |
BULGARIA | 50,000 | 0% | | 50,000 |
DENMARK | 7,800 | .8% | 60 | 7,740 |
ESTONIA | 4,500 | 44% | 2,000 | 2,500 |
LUXEMBOURG | 3,500 | 55% | 1,950 | 1,550 |
FINLAND | 2,000 | .03% | 7 | 1,993 |
NORWAY | 1,700 | 45% | 762 | 938 |
TOTAL | 9,508,340 | 63% | 5,962,129 | 3,546,211 |
Rounding off, 63% is approximately 2/3rds lost. But the Holocaust parallels the specific nature of the temple prostitution the Jewish women practiced including:
1) Ethnic cleansing. They, like the Canaanites aspired to be whiter so their dark children were targets for infanticide. They prostituted with the Babylonians and others who were dark complected so they were having these mixed children, which they then put into kilns and burned to death. So part of the theme of the Holocaust involved ovens, burning children to death and genocide/ethnic cleansing.
2) When the babies were being burned up in the kiln using limestone, smoke would rise up over the city, so when you saw the smoke then you knew a child was being sacrificed. It was so much that Jerusalem was called the "city of bloodshed". Jehovah promised he would bring this upon the children of the Jews, only many fold. Thus the black smoke coming out of the smoke stacks from the crematoriums at the death camps was a sign of the death of thousands who had just arrived by train. This mimicks that aspect of the paganism.
3) But even the drug I told you about that Lot's daughters used to make him unconscious and go into involuntary ejacuations involved asphyxiation which is also associated with heightened sexual sensation. So the description of this type of prostitution involved the men gasping for breath. Thus this aphrodesiac caused asphyxiation and then unconsciousness. So that aspect of asphyxiation was paralleled by the gas chambers, where the Jews were asphyxiated.
4) This process was addicting and it turned out that the men at first were given gifts to draw them in. Once they got fully addicted to the sex and this drug then the prostitutes demanded they sacrifice their children. So the children from the surrounding cities of the pagans wolud come into Jerusalem and be sacrificed. So much so that it denuded the children in the land due to this prostitution. So likewise the TRANSPORTS. Just as the Jews were deporting children from the surrounding areas into Jerusalem so that it became a death camp which then burned them up, so the Jews during the Holocaust were deported from the surrounding countries into the death camps.
ALL this was a sign, though, for the nations. For if Jehovah exacted this penalty to the Jews and indeed carried it out as his word says, then certainly he would do the same at the second great tribulation that occurs for the world. That's why I believe that two-thirds of the world's population will not live to enjoy the millennium. One third will be killed immediately and a second third will survive Armageddon but die of old age. Only a third of today's population will be part of the full 1000-year rule of Christ. Just as in the case of the Jews; two-thirds are lost and third saved.
Now, in reference to your last inquiry about how this man who was married to his mother-in-law is turned over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh so that the spirit can be saved during the Lord's Day. That is generally the same principal as the Holocaust. That is, a little leaven ferments the whole lump. The Jews were able to be saved because two-thirds were exterminated. Thus those in the congregation who were tolerating this and not condemning it would jeopardize their chances of being part of the first resurrection. So in order to assure this, they needed to dismiss this man from the congregation so that they remained clean. This is expressed as turning this one over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that is, casting that person off to Gehenna, thus by making that judgment not incurring that person's sin so that they could be resurrected later during the end-times. It is the same principle of the Jews having this buildguilt from the pagan prostitution. By allowing the destruction of the flesh of two thirds of the population, then one third could be saved. Thus that person tolerated in the congregation condemned all in the congregation so that they lost their seats in the kingdom. By removing that man, then they were holy again and holy spirit could accept them into the kingdom at the first resurrection. In case you hadn't thought about that explanation.
At any rate, the HOLOCAUST was to be a message to the world that he doesn't fool around. If he banished and kills the angels for disobedience, if he punished the Jews for what their parents had done, then he certainly isn't going soft on the WTS GB who have become apostate or the world who thinks there is no God or who want to do their own thing without regard to the Creator. No. They will be destroyed and/or punished just as he has always done. It's sort of a guarantee.
So it is too late now to get into the kingdom of the 1,440,000. Not sure if it is too late to try to get into the two-thirds that survive Armageddon. It depends on what you are responding to. If you think the world is ending and the great tribulation has begun then that would be the wrong motivation and you'd be lost, unless you were already marked to live. But once it is very clear the great tribulation has begun based upon world events, critically when he UN turns on religion and the Illuminati/BTG then it will be too late. But the good news is that people would have already been judged and placed in one of the four categories:
1. The anointed 1,440,000 king priest group. BEST SCENARIO EVER.
2. Chosen to enjoy the millennium, 1/3 of world population. GOOD SCENARIO.
3. Chosen to survive Armageddon and get a glimpse of the new order, dying of old age. BETTER SCENARIO THAN #4.
4. Chosen to be killed at Armageddon. WORST SCENARIO.
Everything is happening just as was prophesied. Everything! But you have to open your eyes to see it.