What crazy or bazarre things have you heard of people getting into trouble with in the org? Could you for instance be DFS for eating lots of black pudding (blood pudding)? Have you heard of people losing there privileges over ridiculous things?
Crazy things people have been DFS for or got into trouble with.
by curlytopsUK 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was df'd for refusing to submit to the elders' authority when it came to waiting around to see if my abusive, mentaly ill jw husband was going to choose adultery or murder.
I know a couple of people who got d/f for questioning the elders and the JW teachings in general. You're okay as long as you follow them like robots.
we could follow this with crazy things that don't get you df'd
A friend of mine's father in law was sent to prison for incest and child abuse, which included the FIL having sex with my mates wife before he married her. The FIL was release from jail and turned up down at the hall. It was the first time his family had seen him since his release and they went running up to him to hug him. My friend lost his temper and thumped the FIL there and then. Because he wasn't repentant for thumping his FIL down the hall he got df'd for technically hitting a brother even though that monster had rapped or attempted to rape all three of his daughters between the ages of 10 and 16.
wha happened?
I knew one brother who's father was df'd for something he had done prior to his baptism. Apparently he had a fling years back. No one knew until recently and when the brothers asked him about it, I guess he wasn't repentant. So they df'd him. He did appeal and it was rescinded.
I had privileges removed or held back because of long sideburns, loud ties, not owning a 4 door, and also because the general perception among the brothers was that I thought too much of myself. The later was a result of a brother working with me and he said I was to over-confident at the office. I'm in sales and sometimes u have to act over the top. -
I was DF'd for loose conduct for (obviously) creative writing I had in a private book that my mom stumbled upon when I was 16 or 17.
Thinking about naughty things, eh kwintestal? How DARE you?!?!?! :D
My wife's cousin and his wife were disfellowshipped last year for practising Feng Shui. And a few weeks ago a brother in my wife's old congregation was disfellowshipped when the elders found out he had a crate of wine delivered to his door each week. It just so happened the elders visited the brother's sick elderly mother the same time as the wine delivery man was there. The elders got talking to the delivery man about how often he came and what he brought, they set up a committee then and there, and Guenter was disfellowshipped within a couple of weeks because he was unrepentant.
Thinking about naughty things, eh kwintestal? How DARE you?!?!?! :D
Yup ... exactly. Funny thing was that they told me the day they disfellowshipped me that I could be reinstated in 3 months, and I was.
There's more to the story though that explains the reasoning behind why they did it. At the time there was about 50 JW kids in the area who it was found out that they were regularly going to a JW's house and doing drugs, getting drunk, having sex ... whatever. Most of them elders kids. Two of the elders on my JC had kids who went there. I never did, as I wasn't part of their crowd. I was friendly with them, but had my own group that I got into trouble with. So it became common knowledge that this was going on, and when it was announced that I was DF'd it was at the same time these other kids got publicly reproved. 'I guess Kwin wasn't as repentant as the others for going to the drug and sex house' is what most people in the cong. got out of it. I never trusted elders after that, ever.