Ok, so having been raised as a JW, I never celebrated my birthday. Well, I am coming up on my birthday pretty soon (I'll be 25, yay!!) and I am determined to celebrate it!!! It may not be anything huge, since I don't want to needlessly antagonize my JW husband, my I want to do at least something. Thoughts, ideas??
Upcoming Birthday
by heybaby 11 Replies latest jw experiences
str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up
Fly to Sydney, I'll take you out on the town!
Oh wait, you said nothing huge. Damn it. But i love you so!
My first birthday (last year) was a CRACKER I wish I could help you celebrate yours!
So So Much Love
I'm in the same boat heybaby! August 10th will be my first birthday celebration and I'm trying to figure out what to do! So i'll be watching your thread here so see what good ideas are proposed.
Jeremiah - aka Morph
I celebrated number one last year on July 24th, and well now its B-day numero dose.
Happy Birthday BluesBreaker59!!!!
I am now 3 years old. That's how many birthdays I've celebrated so far lol. My 4th birthday is coming up in January (a/k/a my 30th!!!) and I want a party for the first time. Many people I talk to are absolutely amazed that I'm almost 30 and have never had a birthday party lol.
Anyway, happy early birthday! Hope it's everything you wish for! :)
If you don't have anyone to party with, do something really special for yourself (spa, makeover, fancy dinner with dessert), or buy something for yourself that you really want but never bothered, because it was too expensive or impractical. I wish you were in NE Oio, and I'd throw ou a party!
I've celebrated three birthdays since I've been out. For my 21st we went to dinner and the went out clubbing. The other two were just dinner and a party at a friends house. Just having people who care about you on your birthday is great. I got a cake a presents. If you drink, having a little booze makes it real interesting too. ;) Happy Birthday!
Have the chipendales stop by.
i have had 18 since left iam 41 now 42nd coming up in september,if i were you do what you always wanted to do when you saw others have theirs it makes you feel great
i have done 30 and 40 had a great time, went to ireland for me 40th mega!!!!
girl just have a ball ,do you have any normal buds you could hook up with? if so go out with them!
but any how have a great day,happy birthday!!!!!!!!!