But if her motive was to support her friend, it wasn't necessary to attend the one event. She could have visited her friend many more times and been able to give support. I'm wondering if she did that.
Practising 'Goodness' - from the District Convention
by passwordprotected 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yeh, we dont celebrate births. Now that shes dead, im sure we can arrange something.
Good point.
As long as there's banners and ball gowns.
I nearly lost my breakfast reading this post. It's such insanity that its hard to fathom that anyone would sitting clapping at this experience, but I'm sure they were clapping loudly, smiling along, thinking, "what a fine young sister". CULT CULT CULT!!!!!!
She could have visited her friend many more times and been able to give support. I'm wondering if she did that.
That's a very good question.
To have done so would certainly have fit the definition of "goodness". And given that the experience was part of a talk based on "goodness", it would certainly be appropriate to have commented on it, if it really happened.
But it was not commented on, which leaves us with 2 possibilities:
(1) The girl did go visit & support her friend on other occasions, but the chairman or assemply overseer or whoever was in charge of vetting experiences thought it wouldn't be "appropriate" to include such an obvious act of kindness in the experience. It would be rather telling if, given the choice of expressing (a) visiting & supporting a sick friend, or (b) avoiding a party that would be highly encouraging to the sick friend...as an example of "goodness", they picked "b".
(2) The girl didn't go to visit & support her friend on other occasions. In which case, the question that anyone with an ounce of compassion would ask is, "why not"? But if this is what happened, it apparently made no difference to the chairman / assembly overseer / DO / whoever decided to use this experience. The "goodness" displayed was "avoiding a 'pagan' ritual", and compassion for a dying "worldly person" be damned.
In either case, the WTS looks bad, and maybe even the girl giving the experience herself as well.
Yes, Jehovah rejoices when we shun people we care about in order to obey an organization...I think I just threw up a little...
Those experiences are about "OBEDIENCE", not goodness from the heart.
Excellent point.
Gopher hit the point that i was coming to, on reading the thread. I thought I would emphasize with their own definition
* it-1 p. 986 Goodness ***
The quality or state of being good; moral excellence; virtue. Goodness is solid through and through, with no badness or rottenness. It is a positive quality and expresses itself in the performance of good and beneficial acts toward others. The most common words for "good" in the Bible are the Hebrew tohv and the Greek a·ga·thos´;a·ga·thos´ is usually used in a moral or religious sense.
But how do you find a real life example of genuine goodness at a J W Convention???
The speaker had to settle for somebody that followed the rules