My wife became a US citizen yesterday!!!

by Dorktacular 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dorktacular


    For all of you who say America sucks.... I want you to go down to your closest immigration office and witness a citizenship ceremony. I watched yesterday all day long as people from all over the world were sworn in as citizens 100 at a time every hour on the hour. I was there for 7 hours, so I saw roughly 700 people become citizens, including my wife. I talked with a lot of those people, and it didn't matter where they were from, they all made one thing is clear: America is, in fact, the greatest country in the world.

    So many of us don't know how lucky we are to be born here in America. We take it for granted. The people I saw yesterday know better. And I have a new-found appreciation for my American citizenship.

  • snowbird

    Congratulations to your wife - and to you!

    I second your comments about the USA.

    I often tell people the same thing about Alabama!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Hey congratulations!

    I've got two friends (one from England and the other from Taiwan) who immigrated here and went through the same thing as your wife and they feel just as you do.


  • Do Not Call
    Do Not Call

    We're planning on moving to America in 2010, so thanks for the encouragement.
    Congratulations to your wife!!
    Dawn x

  • hubert

    Congratulations to your wife, Dorkta.

    It's true, we here in America don't know how lucky we are, to be born here. Just look at some of these impoverished nations abroad, and thank God you were born here.

    Someone told me one day..... How do you know if a country is a good country to be in?

    The answer was....Look for the country that everyone is trying to get into.


  • z


    As a traveler all over the world you are right no place like the USA

    Good Bless America !!!!!!!!!!!


  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    that's where america sucks most: thinking it were the greatest country on earth.

  • Velvetann

    Congratulations that is wonderful. She must be so happy. We are so lucky to be born in the land of the FREE.

    I am a US citizen but I have lived in Canada since I was 4 months old since my Dad was a naturlized Canadian (originally from Great Britain), I lived in USA as an adult for about 1 year tops when I was younger. So I really am a Canadian as far as culture but I have resolutely kept my US citizenship for over 50 years as I was always proud to be a American. I am a landed immigrant in Canada and have all the benefits here. This is a good country too but more Socialist in its Government.

    I want to move back to the states but where??? Its so much less expensive than Canada.



  • babygirl75

    Congratulations on your wife becoming a citizen!!!

    You're right, most do not appreciate how fortunate they are to live in America. Those that bash America and say we suck, have the freedom to say such ignorant sh*t, only because they are in America. They think they have it bad, they should leave and go live in one of these other countries, then they'll realize how good they actually do have it!

  • Layla33

    I applaud anyone that takes the legal and proper steps to become a citizen. I was at one of my best friend's citizenship ceremony. It was beautiful. She was born in England of Pakistani parents and has lived all over the world, but her dream was to be a US citizen. She realized her dream, worked hard and realized her dream.

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