Bud Light presents: Real Men (and Women) of JWD ...
Today we salute you Mr.Lurker-nonattentionseeker-and-lowpostersnewtojwd.We know it's not easy to just jump into a forum and start posting.Maybe you have no desire to draw attention to yourself but still like to be recognized and appreciated.
There are 24 hours in the day and you don't want to spend all of them right here lurking or thinking of things to post or seeking attention.
But don't be a stranger either , you're always welcome.
You've got a job , things to do, and living a life.We get that; yes we do.Up in the morning, back in the evening.Making the trash, taking it out.Paying the bills, doing what needs to be done...and doing what you like.You've only got so much time and that guy in line who can't make up his mind ain't helping things any...but you're still going to make the best of it.
That 12,000 calorie Taco Salad really hit the spot, so it's time to sit down for a bit and do some reading.Some may ask: "Is your Taco Salad really healthy ? " Of course it is, it's a salad isn't it ?
So crack open a nice cold Bud Light Mr.Lurker-nonattentionseeker-and-lowpostersnewtojwd.We salute you !