DC Drama 2008: A dream come true for the GB

by outofthebox 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • outofthebox

    For years the GB has been creating these dramas for the conventions, trying to use the Bible to provoke guilt trips and make the R/F obey, but none of those have the whole message they wanted to get across, meaning: "The perfect JW family". So, they decided to create this non-biblical account and voila! they have the perfect drama. The one, they were waiting for all their lifes. This drama has everything they wanted:

    1. A complete perfect JW family (no monoparental)
    2. A perfect teenager with no desire for comedy, fun or entertainment (basically a GB member in the body of a girl)
    3. A representation of themselves: The John Class!
    4. A dead JW that went to another city to work. For the extra touch
    5. A crazy apostate with all his bad qualities
    6. A sexual deviant wordly person that desire little girls
    7. A pefectly family that want to go and preach where is more need
    8. A father with no desire to get more money

    There you go. They created their wacky world.

    Do you noticed something else?

  • NewYork44M
    Do you noticed something else?

    Bad acting?

  • dinah

    1. A sexual deviant wordly person that desire little girls

    Was that really in there???

    Shouldn't they look in the congregations for that?

  • shamus100

    The ultimate JW family that does not exist, now or in the future. They're usually quite disfunctional.

  • WTWizard

    Obviously, they needed something not in the Bible in order to get people to do even more. And give up anything good.

  • SirNose586

    Was that really in there???

    Shouldn't they look in the congregations for that?

    The guy the "bad" chick ends up working for either abused her in some fashion, or she finds out that he really runs a brothel.

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I remember one DC drama from years ago. I can't remember the year is was presented or it's name but it was basically about how JW children will do naughty things if they're not constantly watched, hounded, and made to feel like shit 24/7.

    I think it was put on in the 80's. Hopefully my memory is serving me correctly.

    It was a "modern day" drama. A JW family (women wore dresses while at home relaxing donchaknow) had 2 teenagers; a boy and a girl.

    The boy liked football a lot and wanted to play. He talked to his parents. Naturally they pulled out a bible and a WT that warned against playing sports. The family discussed that while playing football is fine, if the son joined the team, he might miss meetings and field service. The son agreed that playing football and missing meetings is wrong.

    The girl kept wanting to go out with her friends, one of whom was another JW kid who was not good association. The parents warned her not to go out with her friends, especially if the other girl would be going. The daughter said she wouldn't go anymore but then snuck around behind their backs. The girl was spotted by another member of the congregation hanging out with the bad association girl. They appeared to be going into an R rated movie. The cong. member went running to the girl's parents.

    When the girl arrived home, the parents were waiting for her. The father looked concerned and a little angry. The mother was sobbing on the sofa. Sobbing.

    The girl was lecutred and chastised (with scriptures and a WT), grounded, and had to call the other girl's parents (while her parents listened in) to tell them where she and their daughter went.

  • dinah

    I think I remember that one, Lady Z.

  • dozy

    The way that the "naughty" teenager twice called the "good" one self-righteous was a nice touch.

    The flames didn't really work - maybe somebody should suggest the special effects dept of the WTS should either up their game or call it a day.

  • iceguy

    I remember that drama lady Z...If her mom was sobbing because she went to an R movie I'd hate to see how she would react if her daughter went out and got knocked up!

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